He was always loud and outgoing.
She was never that way,
Unless she was with her friends.
He could light up the whole room,
While she could barely light up herself.
They were the same,
But only when they hung out.
No one really liked her,
While no one could help but like him.
She had cuts on her wrist.
He never stopped smiling.
She fell in love with him,
And he would never know.
The only time she ever felt at home,
Was when he laughed,
And looked at her.
His eyes may have been brown,
But the always shined and sparkled.
Her eyes were hazel,
But always looked timid.
In her head,
She would never be good enough,
For him.
But to her friend,
His eyes glimmered,
Just by walking by her.
She was scared.
She'll never tell him.
So another day goes by,
With her not,
Holding and kissing him.
Another night,
of her tears wasted,
Just because of her secret,
That she didn't have the guts,
to Tell him,
How she felt.
But in the end
He knew the whole time,
He loved her, and her differences.