Melody Spirit

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At Twilight's castle early one morning, the ninja team was in one of the rooms getting in some training. Leo sparred with Karai in swordplay, Mikey was fighting Shini, Raph with Casey, Twilight with Sunset, and April with Donnie who wasn't holding back so not to insult April. Spike and Starlight were watching from the side enjoying the demonstration, "It's amazing to see what they're capable of." Starlight said in awe.

"I know," Spike agreed, "No matter how many times I watch them fight, they never cease to amaze me." suddenly Spike belched up a scroll.

Hearing that, Twilight called, "Time out!" everyone ceased their spar, as Twilight levitated the scroll over and looked it over.

"What's it say, Twilight?" Leo asked.

"It's from Princess Celestia, she says she's found Blade's little sister, Melody Spirit." she gasped.

"His sister?" the group asked collectively.

"I knew Princess Celestia told us he had a younger sibling," Karai began, "But if she's still alive..."

"She must be ancient." Mikey added, only to get smacked in the back of the head by Raph.

"Still this is good news," Twilight replied, "If Blade's sister is still alive perhaps she has information on him we might be able to use."

"Do you really think it's wise to go to her and tell her that her supposed lost brother has turned into a villain?" Karai asked rhetorically.

"Yeah, it might give her a heart attack." Casey added.

"I know it sounds like a hard thing to do, but if anypony has the right to know it's Melody."

The group pondered on it, but knew Twilight had the right idea. Starlight spoke up, "So where is she?"

"Where she's always been. In Canterlot." Twilight answered.

"Well, let's get the girls and head over there asap." Leo instructed. The group nodded, and hurried off.

Later on, after gathering the rest of the girls the group had gone to Canterlot. They were walking the streets, as Twilight was checking the message sent by the Princess, "According to this, Melody Spirit should live... Here!" she stopped before a blue house surrounded by a small fence and the lawn was filled with flowers.

"Nice place." Applejack admitted.

"It's so lovely." Rarity agreed.

"And these flowers are so pretty." Fluttershy marveled.

The group trotted up to the front door, as Leo knocked on it. The door opened to reveal an elderly unicorn pony who looked looked old as Granny Smith. She had an aqua blue coat, gamboge eyes, and her mane and tail were whitish gray, with her mane tied in a little ponytail. Her cutie mark was a pair of binoculars, "Hello?" she asked.

"Ms. Melody Spirit?" Twilight asked.

"That's me." the pony confirmed.

"I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle." Twilight began, only for Melody to cut her off.

"Princess Twilight?" she gasped, "Well, this is such an honor! To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

"My friends and I have come to talk to you about an important matter. Do you mind if we..." she trailed off.

"Not at all. Please, come inside." Melody showed the group in.

After introducing themselves, the group sat in the living room, while Melody went to make some tea. As they waited, Leo took notice of the pictures of Melody's family on the wall. One particular photo caught his eye. It was of Melody and Blade Swipe who was just a regular pony back then when they were kids, 'Looking at her now it's hard to imagine she's the younger sibling compared to him.'

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