Mirror Magic

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In a flash of light, the group saw they were back at CHS by the statue portal. The turtles looked at themselves seeing they were mutant turtles again, while April, Karai, Casey, Shini, and Sunset saw they were humans again.

"Oh, yeah! We're back, yo!" Mikey cheered.

"Good to be normal again." Raph said, before reaching into his bag and pulled out Chompy who was an alien turtle again, "Hey, little buddy. Good to see you like this."

April stretched, "I missed walking on two legs."

"And having hands." Karai added.

"What is this?" came Starlight's voice. The group looked over and saw Starlight like Sunset had transformed into a human with a set of clothes to go with her. Her attire included black shoes, gray pants with a few tears in them, a pale light, grayish aquamarine colored shirt, a black open vest over it, a wrist watch, and on her head was a purple beanie with star symbols.

"Starlight?" Shini asked.

"Not bad a look, Star." Mikey approved with a thumb's up.

"It's all pretty weird at first, but try to roll with it." Sunset told Starlight, while trying to keep her on her feet.

Starlight looked at her new appendages, "Are these?"

"Hands. That's right." April nodded.

Starlight looked down at her feet, "And what happened to the rest of my hoo-" Sunset cut her off.

"Feet! Those are feet. Remember the whole thing where I said you need to lay low? Now would be a good time to play it cool." she warned her.

When the turtles saw some students walking around the school, they ducked and covered inside a bush, "Dudes, why're we hiding? They know who we are." Mikey reminded his bros.

"Maybe them, but who knows how many that don't know about us are around here." Leo replied.

"Like Sunset told Starlight, we need to play it cool." Donnie added.

"Well, we're doing a better job than Starlight." Raph said, as they watched Starlight walk like her pony self by being down on all fours. It was more awkward when a few students were baring witness to it. Sunset ran to Starlight pulling her back up to her feet. Casey couldn't help but laugh at Starlight embarrassing herself, until April punched his shoulder for being insensitive. Sunset led her human friends over behind the school, as the turtles followed.

They reached the soccer field which was vacant and deserted, allowing the turtles to come out into the open, "No sign of Twilight and the others here." Leo noted.

"Think they could be at home?" April asked Sunset.

"Let me check." Sunset began sending text messages to the rest of the Rainbooms.

"In the meantime, April and I are going to get changed into more casual attire." Karai said, as she and April went off somewhere.

When they came back, April was wearing her normal street attire minus her black jumpsuit, while Karai was in the punk attire she wore when she first met April. April spoke to Sunset, "Any word on the girls?"

"Nothing, though I did get a message from Pinkie Pie's sister Maud. She said she and the girls were on their way to the mall to catch the premiere of the new Daring Do movie. We were all given cameo scenes by the director." Sunset told everyone.

"You girls got to be in a movie?" Mikey gasped, "So lucky."

"Well, at least we know where they might be." Shini said.

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