Suck Toad Daydream - Chapter 2

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As they walked into the house Dave saw them and went up to them "Hey guys how was the party?" They look at Dave "We didn't go to the party Dave" Alvin said while Brittany frowns.

"Really what happened?" Brittany squeezed Alvin's hand telling him I don't want to talk about it. Alvin gives Dave a sly smile

"We don't really want to talk about it" Dave's eyebrow rises "Alright then, anyway Brittany are you staying over tonight?"

"Yeah" Brittany said "Ok then why don't you guys get ready for bed while I'm finishing up in the office" "Ok" They both said as they walk up the stairs

"Alvin I'm going to take a shower so I'll meet you in your room after?" Brittany said "Okay" Alvin said So Brittany went into the bathroom and took her shower while Alvin got changed into his pajamas and went on his bed looking on his phone.

After 10 minutes Brittany came out of the bathroom with her pajamas on and went into Alvin's room and saw him on his bed looking at his phone.

"Hey" Brittany said Alvin looked up and smiled "Hey Britt, come up here" Brittany went to Alvin's bed and sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"What are you looking at?" "Just looking at my Facebook, nothing really interesting" Alvin said looking at Brittany

"Oh" Brittany smiles and leans forward to Alvin's face and gives him a sweet kiss which he gladly returns, which gets ruined by Alvin's Phone ringing.

"Who is calling you?" Brittany asks annoyed a bit Alvin turns his head and to his phone and sees that Simon is FaceTiming him

"It's Si, he wants to FaceTime" Alvin said then Brittany giggles "then answer him" Then Alvin answers "Hey Si how's Space Camp?"

"Hey Alvin, hey Brittany. It's going well, Theodore and the girls are having a great time as well" Simon said "That's great, glad you guys are having fun"

Brittany said while Simon looks at Brittany "Um.. Britt? Why is there a Suck Toad on your face?" Brittany looks at Simon with an annoyed face "It's a long story... We'll tell you everything when you guys come home"

Simon looks at Alvin and then back at Brittany "Ok then, well I have to go now talk to you guys some time this week bye"

"Bye Si" They both said. Dave walks in the room "Guys I'm going to hit the hay you should too" "Okay Dave" They both said when Dave left the room

"You know what's funny?" Brittany said "What?" Alvin said "Dave didn't even say anything to us about sleeping in separate rooms"

"Oh yeah" Alvin said while he gets up from his bed to close the door and go back to his bed to see Brittany already in his covers laying down waiting for him to lay down with her and snuggle to sleep.

"Good Night Britt Love you" Alvin said Brittany looks at Alvin "Good Night Alvin Love you too" With that they both fall asleep holding each other close.

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