That why I love YOU

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 You returned home after your work had finished. You looked down at the floor to find a pair of shoes beside your slippers. You looked up and shouted, "Jimin! I'm home!" as you shuffled your feet into your slippers. You made your way down the corridor into your main apartment area. You walked in to find Jimin laid flat out of the sofa watching television. "Oh! You're here!" He shouted out happily as he bolted upright and jumped up. He opened his arms wide and you ran into them. He grinned happily as he hugged you tightly. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. "How was your day?" Jimin asked you as he pulled away and kissed your cheeks quickly. 

You held your thumbs up to him and he smiled to you. "Ok ok ok. I'm going for a shower. Should we order some food?" You asked him. He nodded and you put your bag and phone down on the kitchen side. "What should we order..?" You asked Jimin. A smile grew on his face and he winked at you.
"Chicken!" You both squealed together to each other. You both burst out laughing and he pulled his phone out of his pocket as you ran towards your bathroom to go for a shower. After 20 minutes you came back out to find Jimin back on the sofa, laid down and watching television. You ran and jumped on him and he shouted out. "Yah! What was that for!" He whined and you stood up. You laughed and he sat up to make room for you on the sofa. You both watched television together as you waited for your chicken delivery to arrive.

You were watching television with Jimin when your intercom rang a couple of times. Your eyes grew wider and both you and Jimin swung your heads around to look at each other. You look at each other with wide eyes and a smile grew on both of your faces. You jumped up and went to recieve the chicken from your front door. You recieved the chicken, paid the money (from Jimin) and returned back to Jimin on the sofa. You made room on your coffee table between the television and the sofa. You both sat opposite you and opened all the chicken out. "Wait! Wait! Let me put an instagram post!" You said before Jimin put the chicken in his mouth. He began whining and put the chicken back down. You grabbed your phone off the side and opened the camera. 'No space available'. You frowned and tried it again. 'No space avaliable'. You checked your camera roll and that's when you found them. 237 photos. All selcas of Jimin. "PARK JIMIN! COME HERE! COME HERE!" You screamed. His face dropped and a guilty look spread across his face. You both jumped up and began chasing each other around your apartment. "COME HERE! NOW!" You squealed. He burst out laughing as he ran away from you.  

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