Chapter 3

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It was...a nurse?

"Oh thank god! I thought that you were someone else! Someone is chasing us Miss, can you please help us?" I become more frightened when she just keeps staring at me, continuing to grip my arm tightly.

"Penelope....that's the school nurse... and earlier, I saw her......" Laurence trailed off as if I already knew what he was about to say. I turned toward in.

"Saw her what?" I had no idea what he was trying to hint to me. I turned back to her and she was opening her mouth. What frightened me the most was that a few pops came from her mouth.

Then a terrible sight made me want to hurl. Her jaw dislocated in an inhuman way and her mouth continued to stretch until she started forming sharp teeth.

"PENELOPE!" Laurence was shuffling around behind me. Then a stick was thrown into's mouth making her gag and let go of me.

"WHAT THE -?!"

"WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME! LET'S GO! NOOOW!" he yelled grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

I am so confused.

This morning I was worried about my first day. And now I am worried about being killed.


After hours of running, we finally got away. We came across a highway in the middle of freaking nowhere.

He looked back and saw no sign of the demonic ...things. He started walking down the highway as if he knew what was going on and knew what to do.

"Do you know what's going on?!" I ask still scared. I hadn't realized it until now but he was still holding my hand tightly. I feel as if he is just as scared as I am.

"No."he mumbled.

"Where are you going? What are you going to do?!" I felt a tear run down my face.

"We, are going to stick together and rent a hotel room for now because we need a place to rest until we figure this all out. And we can't trust anyone. We can only trust each other. No one else. Not even our ...families." he seemed hurt by his own words.

"Oh.... it's getting dark anyways. Do you have your student I.D? Then we can get a room for free. I don't have mine so... we'd have to share." I flushed a light red.

"I do have it, but I don't know how long we will stay there. They might find us." he was quiet but loud enough for me to hear him.

"Let's hope for the best... Oh and uh...."my face flushed a bright red " you, can s-stop holding my h-hand now...."

He looked at our hands and flushed a dark red. He quickly let go and sped up.

"H-Hey! Wait up!" I called


"Can I get a room for two please?" he pulls out his Student I.D and shows it to the manager.

"One I.D is equal to one bedroom room." he snapped.

Chill dude, I know it's late but geez!

"What? Why can't- Nevermind. We will take what we can get." He handed him his I.D and he scanned it.

"Here's your room key. Hope you enjoy your stay." he said plainly.

"Thanks! Have a nice day!" I called cheerfully on our way out the door.

He just sighed and went back to typing on his computer.

After a long search, we finally found our assigned room.

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