any good books?

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Sorry for the huge delay, my laptop broke with all the stories on it, if i make any grammical mistakes don't judge :P its hard typing on this tiny keyboard (my phone)


Section two

the worst of luck

As soon as I hit the ground in front of him I heard a lot of screaming from him, mostly since I moved so fast, it seemed I teleported right in front of Sky.

"What is this crap?!?!?!?" yelled Sky as he ran back twards the prison as fast as his block legs could cary him.

I wondered what evil I had done in a past life, to deserve being sent here.

I mostly was unhappy that I couldn't seem to use chat and find out wether or not I was just crazy or dreaming.

It suddenly occured the YouTube minecraft players were talking quite loud,

"No I didn't put any mods on!" said a freaked out Sky

"Perhaps it is a plugin?" suggested a trapped Sparklez

"No it's not! there arnt any!" said Sky

Unknowingly, I started moving twards the prison and was going to run into the wall, I jumped at the last second and landed on top of the roof....and fell right inside the prison.

"Uh, guys, Its inside here!" said a Fluffy bacca

"That's It, I'm turning of the server!" yelled Sky

As I heard this, I suddenly wondered what would happen If the server was shut down, would I just wake up? Have some weird traveling through multiple server layers? Suddenly, it was black.

---------------------------------------------- Hi guys, sorry its a short chapter :/, it 1:00 am right now, and my fingers are cramping up, I'm gonna put a new part up tomarrow (I sware :P) night guys love ya all, vote if you like it so far, if ya didn't like it, tell me what I did wrong

Peace Homees :P

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