Can you smell what I smell?

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      So I didn't get in to much trouble, but I was going to be scraping gum of the floor for awhile (at lease for a week) but it could have gone worse,

    After I got home, I went up to my room, fired up my laptop and started playing some minecraft, promising my self to do my homework later, after all there was a week until summer vacation, and most teachers were giving out less homework.

    I started rendering myself a new world, since I wanted a fresh start in survival, and i was still curious about the dream I had had the previous night

      Spawning in the new world, I found my Steve player in a nice beach biome, I especially liked beach biomes.

      I started thinking about how nice it would be to live on a beach, i could almost smell the water, and hear the waves........wait, I could hear the water and smell it, suddenly looking around in my room expecting to see water, I instead saw nothing

      "Weird", I said to myself, I turned back to my game and started building a beachfront house.


  you know, I kinda like the short chapters, It gives me more time to come up with a story :P so once again vote (if you liked it) comment, subscribes/follow. love ya all PEACEE BOIES

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