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I pouted, my arms crossing against my chest. I didn't want to go to that party in that club. I didn't want to have my feet aching for hours because of heels I couldn't walk in. I didn't want my ears to bleed by music that I had no interest in, playing at an unreasonable volume.

But yet here I was, watching myself and my bestfriend, check our names outside with the body guard ticking them off—instantly bringing me back to high school days of registration. Oh how badly I'd take another day of school than to be here, a place I so passionately hate.

The music was practically shaking the whole building and the line to get in, was a whole another story. People were lined up outside and there was bound to be even more people inside. Do people actually like these kind of things?

He pulls the rope and we finally enter, yet all I'm up for is doing a u–turn and finding myself back in my comfort zone. But I'm with Serena, and that's a definite no, no. When she wants something, she'll get it. Her persistence and stubbornness, redeems itself by her kindness.

So eventually, we find ourselves one with the crowd and I only find my hatred for this club to grow even more. It's packed for starters, everyone is like packed sardines, very claustrophobic. The lights, are not even worthy to describe. It's utter pain. Continuous laser beams flickering everywhere, I was bound to become blind.

Serena glanced my way, nudging me. "Oh come on. Liven up will you?" I grimace, that's the least thing I want. "I'll get drinks. After one drink, you'll be flying through the night." And before I could speak, she scurries into the crowd and I'm a complete nervous wreck.

She scurries away, somewhere through the crowd, and I feel the nerves awfully build up in my stomach. I was never a party maniac, hell, I hated the thoughts of parties let alone being in one. Which made me feel even more unpleasant about even standing in one.

Eventually, I just close my eyes and wish for the night to be over. To be at home and in the arms of my boyfriend. That way, I felt more safe than ever.

But the sounds of the heavy music, seemed to increase and my eyes shot back open. My ears, my heart, my soul. I'm going to die. How was it possible to dance when your heart was practically weighing your body down.

I glanced back into the crowd, a little nauseous when I see a man pouring his whole drink down his body. Immediately pouncing my mind to Serena. Where was she with the drinks? Is she okay? My mind bobbled into anxiety.

Breath, just breath.

I glance over in front of me, and suddenly it's as if everything around me has entirely vanished. Taehyung. I see him walking in the crowd. He looks amazing, his beautiful body shinning against the lights reflections. His eyes elsewhere, he hasn't noticed me yet and my heart seemingly sinks. What is he even doing here?

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