Chapter. 2

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It had only been about three years since that eventful day in which her mother was killed. Now here Mizuki was at the age of 8 and happily living with her father. Mizuki had grown quite a bit and her father told her almost every day of how much he and her mother loved her and how much Mizuki looked like her mother. From her jet black locks to her bright violet eyes that looked like they could hypnotize anyone who stared into them for long enough. The older Mizuki got the more often she was allowed outside. Most often to hunt with her father or learn how to hunt so she could survive as a half ghoul. Mizuki loved being outside and hunting, but the humans were something else that caught her interest. She just didn't understand them, or their food for that matter of fact. It was a usual thing for Kuro to hear his daughter ask the simple question of "Daddy why do we eat the humans?" In which Kuro would always simply tell her it's what they had to do to survive in this world. That it was the only food they could consume. Even though hearing this answer from her father plenty of times, Mizuki remained curious. Just as when she was young, the older she grew so did her curiosity. Mizuki was 12 almost ready to turn 13 when something else happened that would also change her life. Mizuki currently walked with her father, both of them with their mask on their faces as they searched for prey. Mizuki's father still had the same mask from when she was little and Mizuki now wore a light purple mask with a wide grin and whiskers on it. Making it look more mischievous than happy or cute. Mizuki sniffed the air a bit as she looked around, gently holding onto her father's hand. Kuro could only smile at his daughter, extremely proud of the beautiful girl he raised, he knew of his wife and her mother was still with him that she'd been just as proud of Mizuki. Kuro stopped a bit though and gently pushed Mizuki behind him as he stopped a few feet away from a group of other ghouls. He wouldn't be so worried if it weren't for the facts that these streets were known for cannibalism. Mizuki blinked as she looked over the group of ghouls, all of them raising their heads to look directly at Mizuki and her father.

"Well looks like we just found ourselves some more food." One of the male ghouls spoke with a chuckle as he stalked forward. Kuro pushed Mizuki back a bit more as he got into a fighting position.

"Your dumbasses will have to take me on before you even think about touching my daughter!" Kuro's voice bounded loudly as he let a low growl escape from his throat.

"That's not much of a problem. Get em." The male spoke as he bounded forward with the others.

"Mizuki get out of here!" Kuro yelled at his daughter who seemed to be frozen in place. She shook as she slowly turned and took off, tears welling in her eyes as some of the ghouls chased her. Her father left behind her to die. Though he'd die happily knowing that his daughter would stay safe. Mizuki let out a small shriek as one of the other males picked her up, pulling off her mask.

"Look at this one, she's a real, cutie" he hummed lowly as Mizuki kicked and squirmed, not having learned to use her kagune yet.

"Put me the hell down!!" Mizuki yelled as she bit the male's hand, drawing blood. The male growled and punched her in e stomach.

"Now don't be trying to fight, or else."

"Or else what, you sick fucks are going to harm her." A different voice spoke up as a male who looked slightly older than her slowly walked forward, his blonde hair slicked back and his kagune seeming to already be activated yet no sign of it anywhere. The males around her froze as they dropped Mizuki. She let out a small grunt as she slowly crawled backward.

"You know I was feeling a lot more hungry than usual, you should all suffice." The blonde male spoke calmly. Mizuki's eyes widened as within what seemed like a flash the boy had all of the others on the ground, ripping them apart limb from limb, their screams of pain filling the air as he grinned sadistically, the blood covering his body and clothes. Mizuki could only watch in slight fear and admiration as she held a hand over her chest. The male slowly looked up and over at her, dropping the dismembered arm in his hand and slowly walking over to her. Mizuki's immediate instinct being to back up further. The boy scoffed and picked her up by her wrist as he looked at her.

"You're really fucking stupid to be wandering on your, don't you have someplace better to be than in my damned territory," Mizuki thought back to her father and slowly shook her head no.

"I wish I did.... sadly enough though I'm a half ghoul who doesn't even know how to fight or use her kagune..." she spoke calmly, trying to mask the tears that threatened to spill. The boys gaze softened a little as he picked her up bridal style.

"You're going to stay with me." He spoke bluntly.

"H-Huh!? I don't even know your name!" Mizuki stuttered as she clung to the boy.

"The name is Uta, I suggest you give me yours as well." He looked down at her, over the brim of his small glasses. Mizuki gulped a tiny bit as their eyes locked together.

"Mine is Mizuki..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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