Feather Light

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Katzengefluster (AFF or Ao3)

  Every person in the world is born with a unique tattoo, their calling card in the game of love. One day Bobby finds his skin marked with the tattoo of the person he's fallen in love with. The only problem is that it doesn't belong to his girlfriend—it belongs to Hanbin. 


  Life as an idol isn't really that bad. Sure, you lose a lot of normal experiences, and sometimes Bobby is certain he'd give his left kidney for one single normal weekend without the added stress of idol life, but really, it could be worse.

Of course he's probably just saying that because he has a date. With a girl. He doesn't even have to sneak around about it, because Yang has secretly lifted their dating ban under the provision that they all "be smart about it". One fuck up and everyone is back under lock and key.

So he's been smart about it. His girlfriend, Nayeon, was a school friend of Jennie's, so she understands the need for secrecy. They'd hung out a few times before making it official and Bobby had been smitten from the first meeting. Nayeon is everything he's been looking for: she's strong willed, has her own opinions, never hesitates in making decisions for them, and she's every bit as into his music as he is.

Perfect partner, in his opinion.

Bobby kicks his covers off of his legs, sitting up in bed and stretching. He leans forward, hands sliding down his legs to grab at his feet. His fingers trace over the bear claw tattoo on his ankle, the one that's been there since birth. Sometimes he wonders how many girls have a matching one, how far away the furthest one is. It's kind of sad to think about, the fact that there are probably loads of girls that he'll never meet, but who've fallen in love with him anyway.

His bear claw is still the only tattoo he has. He's always been surprised that the tulip of his second girlfriend hadn't shown up on him when they'd been dating. He'd been certain at the time that he'd been in love with her, even though he'd only been 15.

He's expecting to see a second tattoo any day now, Nayeon's tiger tail. He'd loved it the second she'd shown it to him—he thinks it's perfect for her. Maybe it's a little early for love to manifest in the physical form, but he thinks he knows his own mind well enough to understand his feelings these days. Even though he hasn't said it to her yet, he feels it.

Maybe today will be the day.

They have a date today after all—lunch at a barbeque place followed by an afternoon at the Han River, listening to music and writing rhymes. She'd asked him for help in writing and he's only too eager to give it, curious to see what sort of lines she's come up with. It'll be nice to write and get her take on things, because her energy is so different from everyone else he works with.

But the date is three hours away and he's hungry right now. Luckily Yunhyeong's in the kitchen, making himself breakfast. Bobby's only too quick to take advantage of his generous disposition.

"Whatever you're making, make me some too!"

Yunhyeong turns to him with a scowl. "I'm not your mother, Bobby!"

"Of course not," Bobby replies with a grin, "if you were my mother, I'd have said please!"

Yunhyeong turns back to the stove and Bobby can tell he's trying not to laugh despite being a little annoyed with Bobby's rude morning greeting. He leaves him to cooking and sits at the kitchen table, thumbing through his phone. He's got a message from Minho, complaining about Seunghoon's dog and his poor attempts at house breaking him. A year in and the dog still pisses in Minho's room. Bobby laughs and shoots him a message filled with nothing but laughing emoticons.

A few back and forth jabs with Minho later and Yunhyeong is plating a dish for him, so Bobby gets up to help. Yunhyeong looks a little too pleased with himself and suddenly Bobby's wondering what he's done to his food. Probably added more pepper than Bobby likes. They sit down together to eat and one bite is all it takes for the answer to appear.

As expected—too peppery. It's not inedible, just toeing the line. Bobby will still eat it because he's lazy, and Yunhyeong knows that.

Still, Bobby has to give him points for fighting back. He swallows a mouthful before looking at Yunhyeong, who's silently watching him.

"Fine, you win. I'll ask more politely next time!"

Yunhyeong grins and takes a sip of water. "That's all I ask! So, what's on the agenda today? Rare free day and all."

"Meeting Nayeon for lunch," Bobby answers, "Han River after that!"

Yunhyeong smiles at the news, genuinely happy for him. "Nice! Just remember—be smart about it!" He gives a decent impression of Yang, which makes Bobby laugh.

"Yes, dad!" Bobby takes another bite and grimaces at the pepper. "You seen Hanbin this morning? Or is he still in bed?"

"No, he left about an hour ago? Don't worry, I made him eat before leaving."

Bobby grins. Hanbin's diet has always been a source of concern for them all (not so much the content—moreso the lack of content when he's busy, which he usually is) and Yunhyeong has taken up the charge of feeding him whenever possible. Bobby feeds him too, but it's usually unhealthy snacks, so not really much of a help.

"Where did he go? He didn't mention any plans yesterday."

Yunhyeong frowns. "Where do you think he went? Studio."

"What?! It's a free day! He shouldn't be working." Bobby drops his chopsticks and picks up his phone, texts a scolding message to his leader.

'wtf u doin at the studio?? free day go enjoy urself'

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