You. Me. This.

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Saudadetea (Ao3)

  You and me, our connection, this is the sound inside of us. 


This feels good. It's the only thought that crosses Hanbin's mind when he exhales completely and furthers himself into relaxation.

How long has it been since he's been able to actually feel the hours stretch out around him. The essence of time becoming nothing more than the movement of boring and quiet drawls. It's such a rarity. And it leaves his day perfect for being lazy and impossibly lazier .

Which makes waking up to thick arms and that mischievous eye thin smile all the much sweeter. Because said arms are keeping him from traveling anywhere else but beneath that smile. And those lips, that once thinned so finely to reveal the overhang of adorably imperfect teeth, are doing somany more less innocent things as they travel down the naked skin of his torso.

Tender and wet, that mouth breathes out hot wisps of air over unmarred patches of his skin and leisurely kisses over hours old healing crescents and larger half moons.

Down and down and further down until it wasn't a kiss that Hanbin was feeling, but a tongue. And Hanbin could only hold on so weakly to his barely awakened senses before burning out as brightly as a nova and imploding in a fury of hushed whimpered notes and toe curling heat.

He was left spinning weightless and unaware of anything else. And if he was to think that this could be a dream, proof of its reality comes to him in the taste that meets his tongue when that wonderful and sinuous mouth meets his.

"Morning," Bobby whispers.

"Goommmng," Hanbin mumbles, interrupted with another press of lips.

Bobby smiles against his cheek, "what?"

"Morning," Hanbin muses.

"Your breath is horrible."

Hanbin nudges the boy's head, "and you taste like me."

But he's smiling as he says it and decides then to huff a bit of air into Bobby's face.

The boy laughs with a whiney eyy and dives for safety in the juncture of Hanbin's shoulder. Proceeding from there to pinch Hanbin's skin between his teeth.

Hanbin snaps awake at it.

"What is it with you and biting me?" Hanbin hisses.

"Why? You didn't mind it last night." And to emphasize Bobby flicks a finger at a red mark on Hanbin's stomach.

Hanbin blushes, "that was under different circumstances."

"Uh huh ." It's a cackle of a reply but Bobby is licking a hot line up Hanbin's neck that kinda scrambles his brain so Hanbin lets it slide. Especially now that Bobby is kissing in meandering circles up over his jaw, and cheekbones, and soon enough down to his lips.

Hanbin sighs into it. The tenderness of such a kiss, born from a fading haze of tired bodies content with just the warmth of another and the affection provided. No practice to get to, no studio time booked, no peering public eyes, just them and those gentle pulls of lips between teeth. A byproduct of playful nips to wandering tongues and could be smiles that feed themselves into passing minutes and drift away uncared for.

Hanbin runs his hands over the arms that hold him and over firm shoulders and into knotty hair. A little instinctively combing it and catching on knots that Bobby bites his lip harder for.

"Sorry," he muses but Bobby just kisses him again, and again, and again, and again. And Hanbin is positively happy with that.

Eventually, Bobby does pull away from him and Hanbin is too placid to fight it. Mentally though, he wishes for his arms to surge up and beg with soft grips and tugs to Bobby's limbs for his return.

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