This needs to end...

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Eventually, break time came and Bradley went outside to look for Pippa. Harvey and Kieran didn't follow him as they didn't want to go outside. When Bradley found Pippa he said, "Pippa, there you are. Can I talk to you now?" The girl nodded her head and both of them walked over to a bench. "What do you need to talk to me about?" Pippa asked as she sat down on the wooden seat. Bradley then started his sentence, "Remember that thing you told me about? When we went to the park and we started talking?" Pippa then interrupted him with her response, "Laughing Jack." Bradley nodded his head. Then a breeze started to hit them. Bradley's hair blew gently with the wind, the same as Pippa's hair. "Yeah, Laughing Jack. The thing is, last night, I kinda..." Pippa again interrupted him, "You've seen him, haven't you?" The boy slowly nodded. "You weren't lying about him," he said. "Of course I wasn't. I would never lie about something as serious as this," Pippa replied. Bradley then looked at his hands dully. "Pippa, how do I get rid of him?" The girl had a feeling he would ask this. Sadly, she said, "I'm sorry Bradley, but I don't know. I don't know how to get rid of him. That's what I've been trying to do as soon as I realised that..." Pippa stopped. Bradley then made eye contact with Pippa. "As soon as you realised what? Pippa, tell me. Me and my sister are in danger right now." The girl went silent for a minute, then she continued, "As soon as I realised that he was tricking my sister." Bradley's eyes widened. "What do you mean, tricking your sister?" He asked as the wind still blew through his brown hair. "Bradley, I should've told you this yesterday. I found out that he, tricks the youngest by acting innocent towards them. Like he's their best friend. But as soon as he starts getting real close to them, that's when he snaps." Bradley broke quickly, "Wait, did you say, by getting real close to them?" Pippa continued as she nodded, "Meaning that they trust him enough not to harm them. I should've told you this before, I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Bradley put his head in his hands. "You mean to say that, this killer clown is getting close with my sister by acting innocent towards her, but one day when he's got her trust, he's gonna..." Pippa then nodded her head whilst frowning. "What do I do Pippa? Please, I have to stop this. I love my sister and I don't want anything to hurt her." Pippa felt how desperate Bradley was getting and she wished she could help. But she couldn't, "Bradley I'm sorry. I want to tell you how to stop him but I can't. I don't know how to stop him. He's still with me, and now he's with you. I never got rid of him, we are both suffering from the same thing." Then the bell went. They both had to go to VMG, which they both found really boring. They weren't in the same VMG, but their rooms are in the same department. All of a sudden, Bradley stopped as he looked through the window of the door. There was the clown they were talking about. He was stood there laughing. Suddenly, he banged on the window with one of his long, black and white arms, causing Bradley to take a few steps back and walking into Pippa. "Bradley what's wrong?" Bradley replied, "Laughing Jack, he's here." He then pointed towards the door. "Bradley, there's nothing there." Bradley then looked back at Pippa then back at the door. "You're right, it's most probably my imagination. Come on, we better get to VMG." Then the boy walked over to the door. Pippa watched him as he did so. She had a worried but scared look in her eyes. The girl then looked all around her as she heard distorted music. The tune of Pop Goes the Weasel. The wind suddenly picked up and leaves flew into Pippa's face. There was nothing to be seen apart from other students walking back into the building. "Pippa, come on. We need to hurry or we'll be late." The brown haired girl looked at the boy then to her left as she noticed the leaves were then blowing in one direction. They then started to blow into the air, like a little tornado of leaves. She then saw something standing in the centre of the leaves. It was Laughing Jack, laughing as he saw the girl's terrified face. This made Pippa run towards the door and both students went to their VMGs.

Bradley was always bored in VMG. They never really did anything except talk. However even though that's what Bradley likes to do, he still found it lacking. They had only fifteen minutes of VMG time, then they would go to their next lesson. When the bell finally did go, Bradley walked to his next lesson, Drama. He saw Kieran on his way there as he was in his lesson. "Hey Bradley," Kieran said. "Oh hey Kieran," replied Bradley. Kieran said, "Hey, was everything alright at break this morning? I mean, you seemed troubled." Bradley remembered how he spoke this morning. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that. I just had a few things on my mind, but everything's alright now." Kieran sighed in relief. "That's good. At least you're not mad at me or Harvey. We better be doing something good in Drama or I swear I'm gonna stab myself." Bradley chuckled at the way Kieran spoke. "Ha, I know right. You really do know how to make me laugh Kieran. Oh, and don't forget about Harvey. He knows how to make someone laugh." Kieran then continued, "Especially with girls. You can't tell if he's flirting with them or just being himself." Both boys then laughed and waited outside the theatre for their Drama lesson. They normally did Drama in the theatre as they always did acting and playing games. When the class's teacher finally came, they all went into the theatre and sat down on the little seats that a regular theatre would have. After the teacher did the register, he told the class, "Alright everyone, today is going to be kind of a fun lesson. We're going to be working on our own little performance. You can work with up to four people in a group. The performance can be about anything you want. It can be one about crime, something scary, anything you want. What I'm really hoping to see is one hundred percent effort and remember facial expressions and sounds matter. Remember we want to get a feel of the scene. Also because I trust you all and you're my best class, I'm gonna let you pick your own groups but I really want to see effort put into it." Bradley and Kieran were happy about what they were doing. "Oh man, if only Harvey were here," said Bradley. "I know right. There's always something that ruins such a good thing," Kieran replied. At that moment, one of the black doors opened and two students walked in. It was Harvey and Pippa. Bradley and Kieran both ran up to them. "Harvey, Pippa what are you doing here," asked Kieran. "We both got moved from our classes. So now we have Drama third lesson on a Wednesday." Pippa replied, taking her bag off her left shoulder. Then the teacher came over, "Oh hello! You two must be Harvey and Pippa. Just drop your bags over there." The teacher pointed his finger over to where the other students put their bags. He then continued, "Today we're making our own little performances. You can go with a group with up to four people and the performance can be about anything. It can be about something scary or anything other." Pippa and Harvey smiled and Kieran said, "Hey you can both be in our group. I mean there's only me and Bradley right now." Harvey agreed to it but Pippa asked, "You sure? I mean I'm the only girl." All three boys nodded their head. "Of course it's fine. You're like the only friend we have that's a girl." Pippa's eyes widened. She didn't know that the three of them considered her as their friend. "Oh ok then. What performance should we do?" Pippa asked as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face. The three boys let Pippa decide what they should do, as long as it wasn't a performance about romance. "How about something scary? Bradley you know we both like things to do with horror. Maybe it could be about a killer or something?" Bradley replied, "That's a cool idea. Who wants to be the killer?" Both of the other boys put their hands up. "Guys you both can't be the killer, there can only be one killer." Bradley said as he laughed at the fact his two best friends desperately wanted to be the killer. "I call dibs," said Kieran. "Damn it," Harvey said. Kieran laughed. "Alrighty then, lets get started on how we're gonna do our performance," Pippa spoke with a little giggle.

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