Chapter 2: Meet 5SOS

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Allie's POV

"Allie. Allie. Allieee." I hear someone say... It was Harry

"What is it? It's like 7:30am let me sleep." I said

"You have to get ready. We'll leave at like 8:00am." He said

"What about Sam? Let her shower first." I said

"I'm done, Al. You go now." Sam said as she walks out of the bathroom

"Ugh. Okay." I said

I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower. After showering I got dressed and prepared my things. As soon as I was done I made my way downstairs where Liam, the rest of One Direction and Sam were waiting.

"What took you so long?" Liam asked

"She woke up like 20 minutes ago, Li. Besides it's just 7:50am." Sam said

"Oh... Well. They'll be here in a few." Liam said

I sit next to Sam on the couch and waited. A few minutes later...

"They're coming. Lads, let's bring their bags out now." Liam said

All of them took like 1 bag each and went outside.

"They're here! Sam! Allie! Come out here now." Liam said

We went outside and waited for the tour bus to stop. Seconds later, 4 guys step out of the tour bus.

I'm happy that I checked out this band before this tour but I didn't memorize who is who. Oh well, hopefully I get their names right.

"Why are you all holding bags?" This guy asked. I think it was... Ashton?

"These are Sam and Allie's bags, Ashton." Liam said and pointed to us.

"Oh your sisters." This guy said... I think it was Calum.

"Yes, Cal. They're coming with us tour. But..." Liam said

"But what?" Ashton asked

"They're not staying with us... they'll stay with you guys." Liam said

The two guys who hasn't spoke since they got off the tour bus just looked at Liam. While Ashton and Calum...

"Yay! More company!" Ashton said

"Cool." Calum said

"Take care of them, okay?" Liam said to the 5SOS boys

"We will." Ashton said

Liam just nods and motions us to come closer. We moved closer to them and stopped beside Liam.

"Sam, Al, this is Ashton, Calum, Luke and Michael." He said and pointed one by one. Wow. I guessed who is who.

"Lads, this is Sam and Allie." Harry said pointing at Sam then me

"Nice to meet you... Sam and Allie." Ashton said. Well this Ashton guy is nice.

We all give them a handshake.

Liam and the rest left our bags inside the bus and went out again. Another bus arrived... Might be theirs.

"Well, we'll leave you two to them now." Liam said

"Bye, Li." Sam said

"Bye, big bro." I said

He and the rest of One Direction made their way to their bus and we on the other hand went inside 5SOS' bus.

As soon as we went inside the guys showed us around.

"Well, here are your bunks. Sam you're bunk is the one across from Luke and Allie yours is the bunk across mine." One of the guys who didn't talk earlier say. It was Michael.

As soon as we finish our tour of the tour bus we made our way to the living room like part of the bus and we all sat on the couch.

"Thanks for the tour." Sam said

"No problem." Michael said

"So... How old are you two?" Calum asked

"17. We're turning 18 on August." I said

"Yep." Sam said

"Cool. Ashton here is 19, I'm 18, Michael's 18 and Luke here is 17... but he's older than you guys by a month." Calum said

"Ooh. So close. So damn close." I said

All of them laughed

"But wasn't close enough." Luke said smirking

"Wow. For once you say a single sentence." Sam said

"Well I didn't have anything to say." He said

"You could've said Hi..." Sam said

"Hi." Luke said smiling

"Too late." Sam said

"Do you guys wanna go get breakfast?" Michael asked

"Sure." Sam said


They all laughed again

"Why are you guys laughing at a girl who is starving? You guys are bad." I said then made a pouty face

"Okay. Okay. We'll get breakfast in a bit." Ashton said

Well, These guys are fun to talk to... They're also nice... They're also good looking... Stop, Allie. Stop. Just mind your starving self.

A/N: I'm so sorry. Am I that bad in writing? Ugh so sorry. I'll update as soon as I can. Byeeeee!


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