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"If I kill you, will you shut up?" Alex turned to Faye who was currently grinning from ear to ear, feeling accomplished that she annoyed Alex. "No, I would only haunt you till the day you die."

Alex glared at her more, but it didn't faze Faye. "Alex, stop threatening my sister, and Faye, stop annoying her." She scolded. Faye slumped back in the chair of Valentina's house in defeat. "Fine." She huffed.

They jumped out of their seats when Paul burst into the house loudly with Seth and Jared being him. His eyes looked frantically around the room, eyes wild and swimming with worry. "Where is she?!"

Alex stood up, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Where is who?" She calmly asked. "Where is Natasha??!" He yelled, taking a few steps toward them, and causing Alex to shield Elise and Faye on instinct when they stood up. "She ran into the forest to find Emilia after she ran off. Why?" Faye answered, her words laced with concern.

Paul ran out the door and shifted before he ran into the forest without saying another word to the girls. "Two vampires are in there." Jared told them. The girls eyes widened   at his words. "And they're after Bella." Seth finished.

"Who the hell is Bella?" Elise hissed. Before they could answer, Alex turned to them. "Faye, Elise. I need you both to follow Seth to Bella's house and put a protection spell on their house." She ordered.

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me, I have a plan. Just go!" She snapped, and Faye and Elise ran out the door with Seth and Jared, as Alex watched them go carefully. She opened a box from a shelf, revealing beautiful and brightly colored moonstones. She took each one and put them in a satchel and bolted out the door, dashing into the plush and dark forest.


Faye and Elise hopped off of Seth and Jared's furry wolf backs and ran into the huge house, not bothering to pay any attention to its beauty.

The Cullen family heard pounding steps before they saw a beautiful young girl slam open the door and storm past them into the living room, with a very similar looking girl trailing behind her. "Okay, no one speak, just shut up and let us do our job."

They knew exactly what was going on, but they couldn't help but crinkle their noses in disgust at the smell of wet dog on the two girls and outside. They watched carefully though as they pulled out a book, small stones, and dried plants that brought a disgusting smell into the home, and put them in a circle.

With the stones in a small circle on the ground and the dried leaves in the middle, Faye and Elise held each other's hands tightly, closing their eyes. They mumbled stuff in a language none of them could understand.

Their eyes snapped open, revealing their once hazel eyes to be a haunting dark blue. The family jumped back in surprise and slight fear.


The two girls walked side by side in a comfortable, and soothing silence in the forest, before Natasha's head snapped up when she heard a snap of a stick and a rustle of a bush. Emilia looked at her in confusion and lightly put her hand on her shoulder in attempt to calm her friend. Natasha instantly grabbed Emilia's hand and shoved her behind her, her hazel eyes darting around with every sound and movement in the trees.
Emilia soon became aware of the sudden danger around them. Her heart beat hard against her rib cage once she saw the flash of red that hopped from a tree to another. She felt Natasha's grip tighten on her hoodie before loosening once again, and with a small and quick whisper, she spoke. "Run."

And when Natasha bolted and ran as fast as she could, it was like Emilia's instincts took over, and soon an animalistic urge to kill and fight washed over her.

She easily caught up to Nat, running side by side with her, and from the corner of her eye, she saw a girl. A girl with fiery red hair who was slightly behind them, until her figure flickered - almost like she was gaining energy to dash ahead. She jumped over a fallen log and was now in front of them, giving Emilia a full view of what was happening, while Natasha was aware of the guy with dreadlocks trying his best to trick her.

Emilia and Natasha's eyes searched for each other and once they found them, they stared at each other for a split second before nodding and both closing in on the dreadlocks guy.

The guy looked panicked once his eyes found the two girls getting closer and closer second by second. His panicked eyes found a tree stump ahead, a plan came to him. He smirked and ran faster ahead.

Just as he used the stump as a springboard and launched himself into the air - Natasha jumped too, wrapping her arms around him once they collided, causing a loud 'crack!' To echo through the forest.

They tumbled to the ground, wrestling in a pile of fast limbs until he threw Natasha forward, making her roll on the ground before coming to a stop and moving to sit down once she gained composer. She threw her arms up, her hands pointing to the sky - grunting and straining. All kinds of birds came from the trees and sky, cawing and shrieking, making anyone within a 8 mile radius cringe from the harsh sound.

The wolves skidded to a stop once they saw the three people, as the vampire watched in shock and fear as Natasha stood up, her eyes glowing a like yellow cat eyes, giving him a rush of fear to completely take over. She slowly brought her hands towards him, enchanting and controlling the birds the fly towards him - a blur of black and colored wings to take over his vision once they flew around him. He desperately tried swatting them away as they scratched and pecked and tore at his body.

Backing up, he hit a tree once he felt nowhere else to go and curled up into a vulnerable and helpless ball as the birds progressed on killing him. His violent screams soon faded and eventually.

They stopped

Natasha lowered her arms and the birds flew away, suddenly very calm and tame as they flew back into the trees. The wolves and Emilia stood shocked and slightly scared, but they knew she would not harm them. She was too loyal. Paul's wolf whined and took a few steps towards her, desperately wanting to be by his mates side. But Natasha's eyes were still a haunting yellow, not fading or turning back to normal.

Until hands gripped her shoulders, twirling her around to meet similar hazel ones that she inherited from the Silver's family.
Warm Hands cupped her cheeks, but her face remained emotionless. "Sweetie, come on. Come back to me." A desperate voice begged and pleaded, the way a mother would when she cries for her child when it's taken from her.
Natasha's slowly drifted back to its natural color, her soft hazel eyes replacing the cold and bitter yellow Irises.

"Mama?" She spoke softly. Valentina released her crie of happiness and brought her daughters face closer to hug her tightly. Natasha slowly lifted her arms up to hug her back, before her mother pulled away. A gentle and loving smile on her beautiful face.


A blood-curdling scream was heard

Natasha's brows furrowed in confusion when Valentina's eyes widened and slowly drifted down. Natasha followed her gaze.

A stake

A bloody stake was seen

Before she fell

𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.   (  𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘭 𝘭𝘢𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘦.  )Where stories live. Discover now