Late Nights

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Today has been absolutely great. Its the last day before our fall break starts (so technically WE'RE ON BREAK RIGHT NOW!!!) Sorry, this is also why you shouldn't drink coffee at 10 at night but ANYWAYS :)

When do you guys go on fall break? Let me know in the comments below!! :)

I don't know about you guys but Ed Sheeran has been my current "obsession" I guess you could say...HIS SONGS ARE JUST SO SENTIMENTAL YA KNOW?

Okay, I don't really have much to announce today...

Do you wonderful people read my author's notes? I really, really hope you do. I love writing them for you so you can kinda know what's goin' down in the loop and so y'all can be up to date! Alright how about this: If you do read this note, comment down below with who you are currently obsessed with (singing wise), and while you're at it, don't hesitate to comment what you think of the book so far!!


I probably lost all my readers from not updating in so long :(((

Sooo now that I have a week long break, hopefully I can update at least 2 more times and give you all a lil' somethin' to enjoy over your holidays or free time!


I have never done the whole "shoutout"  thing but if y'all think I should start doing that, also comment down below and tell me your opinions!

Alright all you great people, I'll shut up now! Until next time everyone!

Elizabeth x



I wanted to ask her out.

I wanted to ask her out damn it.

Why am I struggling with such a simple thing if we're already dating, you ask? Well, this isn't just some date. This isn't just some date because I'm going to ask her to marry me.

Too extreme? Too soon?

It might be any of those things. But after sleeping on it for a while, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. And as cheesy as it sounds, its the truth. She makes me a better person, and somehow, she brings out the best of me. She may not know the effect she has on me, but if I had a flower for every time I think of her, I could walk in my garden for eternity.

Jeez, man up Blake.

I was currently laying in bed, waiting for the alarm to officially ring until I get up and get on with the day. I really wasn't looking forward to school today, but I would do anything to see my love.

That day in the parking lot...I didn't mean to snap at James.  I honestly didn't intend for any of that to happen. But when I saw him being so close to Christina, something inside me snapped. Jealousy is an ugly thing, and an even uglier feeling. And I'm afraid it got the best of me.

But I promised Chris that today I would apologize to him and that's what I intended to do. Even if its something I didn't necessarily want to do, I knew it needed to be done. And of course, there will never be a promise that I won't keep; especially to Chris. 

Hearing the alarm go off, I sat up and rolled the covers off of me, and shut the clock off. Rubbing the sleep off of my face, I got up when a thought struck me.

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