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Third Person Pov.

Having a harsh past can always cause many problems whether you know it or not. That just how Ronnie's life turned out. Having a junkie/sweetbutt for a mother can really mess a girl up even if you never met her.

Bobby Munson, the father of Veronica Munson or better known as Ronnie, has been messing around with a woman like any other day but this time a kid happen to come out of it. This woman had been one of Bobby's favorite girls to be around and to have some fun with.

Angela Watson is the birthmother of Veronica. She had carried the baby for the only 8 months almost losing it four times in the process because of her addiction. Like most people would think is, why didn't she get rid of it right. Well the women may love her heroine more than anything but she dreamed of having a baby, a child.

After caring the baby for about 2 months Angela ended up overdosing on her drug. She had been taken to the hospital and treated. She luckily didn't seem to cause any harm to the child. So when she got out she believed the child was basically invincible and could make it through anything. She overdosed 2 more times but the fourth and final time caused the problem.

The baby ended up having to be removed by an emergency c-section. Ronnie was born a month early. She was very weak and couldn't seem to do much on her own. The doctors explained to Angela that the baby would have to be kept in the hospital for a month or more depending on the progress.

Angela ended up getting out of the hospital a few weeks before the doctor said she could have the baby. Realizing what she had done and immediately left the baby in the hospital. She wrote a note and packed all her things and the few things for the baby. She was determined to disappeared. Before leaving she left the baby stuff and a note on the doorsteps of the club house for Bobby to find, then disappeared.

When Bobby awoke that day the note with the things were given to him by Clay a very close friend of his and fellow son. Bobby thought at first they were playing a joke on him until he read the letter.

Dear Bobby,

I'm more than sure you don't remember me especially seeing as it's been over 8 months since we last saw each other but if you do, I'm the girl with a heart tattooed on my stomach, you alway called me sweetheart even though you hated what I did.

I should have told you sooner but I guess it never occurred to me that you would care but now I need you to take care of this little girl we brought into the world. You helped make her and I now know I'm far from fit to be a mother. This girl, your daughter was born a month early, they don't know if she'll make it.

I'm telling you this because I'm gone and not going to be found but that girl is in the hospital. She is waiting to meet her father, her hero before she even knows it.  Take care of her and show her right from wrong.

Maybe one day you'll see me again and I won't be the junkie you last knew.


After reading the letter and processing what he had just read, he almost immediately headed for the hospital in search of his so called daughter. He couldn't seem to process it right away till his eyes landed on the baby girl laying in an incubator fighting for her life. Soon the doctor determined he was the father and broke some news to him.

Because of all the drugs Angela was doing, it cause the baby to become addicted before she was even born but now it's worse than ever. Ronnie never wanted to eat but they forced her to. She always refused the things she needed to help her as she grew up. She was still extremely weak even after the initial date she was to be born because of the drugs.

After Bobby finally realized just how bad it was, he couldn't leave he just wanted the baby girl to be strong and live. As he spent more days with her he became more and more attached that it scared him. He never felt love for anyone before. He finally gave the baby the name Veronica but always called her Ronnie.


Okie so that was just a little background for Ronnie. I may have background chapters as we go but for now it's a start.

Hope you like the first chapter!!!

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