Chapter 1

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In a small village, Berber in Morocco with a full bloom of green trees that touches the blue sky that goes on for miles. In the middle of the forest lies the village with a few stores, one restaurant, and one school to 3rd grade through 12th grade. It is a peaceful village that nothing ever happens and it is full of happy people or so you thought. Let's Begin! To reveal the real truth that's hidden behind the curtains.

Every stroke of midnight, a horrible scream echoes through the village and by every morning the villagers gossip of what horrible things the scientist experiments with his daughter. Everybody has their own identity of proof of a scar, scratches, or burns, because every morning they go on their walk to get supplies and groceries.

Katie, who has the vegetable stand full of Corn on the cob, tomatoes, lettuces, broccoli, and turnips, she has brown hair and always puts it into a bun and she's a very healthy fit, she is friendly but if you mess with her or her family, you will see her wrath, she adding to the gossip to the rest of the group "I wonder what that horrible scientist has done to that poor 8 year old daughter of his?"

Nelson, who has the fruit stand full of apples, oranges, bananas, watermelons, and mangos, he has black long hair and always wears it into a ponytail and he is very healthy fit too because he loves fruit so much, he is friendly enough, but very blunt, he added to the group "Who knows, recently her scream has been getting louder and louder and it's getting harder to sleep."

On the pathway it has a multiple of different stands selling each something different across from each other that they've grown themselves. It is a great way to keep this village alive; others have to go to another village to have a job to pay to live here with their family or loved ones, which is 50 miles north away.

Sophia, who has the candy stand, which she bakes dessert treats as in brownies, fudge, cookies, lemon bars, and pies. She is a little chubby but very friendly. Also, she has blonde hair and wears it into a bun and always wears her hair net and apron that has a pink background and apples all over it, she replied "I heard he walked straight into the police station, he will be doing experiments on his daughter, but only at the stroke of midnight to not disturb anybody's sleep."

Lucas, who has the fish stand, who stays up all night to fish out in the lake to get as many as fish as possible, which is full of salmon, King Mackerel, Tuna, Shrimp, and Clams. He has brown hair and always put it in a bun and wears a white apron with blue jeans and black t shirt. He is very friendly, and will talk a lot about the politics or one of his favorite shows like Leave it to Beaver, Gigglians Island, or his Cowboy shows. He replied back "I heard the scientist and the policeman are best friends since college, but what does he do to make her scream every night, that's my question. OH! guys, shhhhhhh here they come."

Katie added "that poor girl her eyes are red again from crying, everyone act natural!" she commanded.

"Daddy, can I please have a treat from the candy stand?" the young girl asked.

"Yes, you may. Here's 0.50 cents, go get you something nice. You were very helpful last night." the scientist answered. She gladly received the change and ran towards the candy stand and grabbed a piece of chocolate fudge.

"Come on Scarlet, I need to get more supplies." the scientist commanded of his cute little daughter with red hair in pig tails.

"What else do you need this time, father." Scarlet asked.

"Well we need dumbbells, a pair of shorts and tennishoes for you, and I need some more needle shots. I'll probably need about 50, oh and duct tape." the scientist answered, which his name is Nick. He has black short hair, blue eyes, and wears a black suit with a blue tie. He also wears glasses, since he's far sighted.

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