Part three - Jimin

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~Four years earlier~


Today is the day. The first day in months that she hasn't hit me. I even got a tired "good morning" from her earlier. I can't even remember the last time that's happened.

She must have realized what's happening next week. She realizes that she's finally lost.

I sit on my dirty mattress that lay on the floor and await my brother's entrance from the window across from me.

Eight days. Just eight more days until our freedom.

After six years of her worn-out self constantly getting high, hallucinating to the extremes, and beating us to no end, it's almost over.

Jihyun finally opens the window, and before he can speak up, I tell him what I've been waiting to tell him all day.

"She said good morning to me."

My words cause my deeply confused brother to stumble back, nearly falling out the windowsill.

"She did what?"

I grin widely, repeating myself. My brother grins uncontrollably as well, making his eyes disappear just like mine.

Of course we still love her, she's the only mother we'll ever have. It's just that, it wasn't always like this.

Once upon a time she'd support and care for us.
Once upon a time she'd hug and kiss us everyday after school.
Once upon a time she'd take us out to eat wherever we wanted when we did good on a test.
Once upon a time she'd sing in the car with us and laugh at how awful Jihyun was at it.

Once upon a time she really loved us.

Now all she does is beat us. We can no longer go outside, we can no longer talk to her, have friends, and sometimes we can't even go to school.

Even though we love her, enough is enough.
It was time to leave.

We could have left ages ago. We could have been far from here by now. But the idea of separation was terrifying.

Jihyun is the only person I've come to know. Losing him would mean losing myself. So instead of just fleeing, we planned for the future.

We've been working secretly for years. Jihyun for 7, and myself for 3. We've saved almost every paycheck we've ever gotten for this.
The responsible brother of mine has already found our apartment and everything.
I've never felt excitement like this before.
It's incredible.

~5 days later~

"Ready to go?" Said Jihyun happily.

"Sure" I replied simply.

We're off the the grocery store, and as soon as we walk in, I run to the shopping cart, jumping into the basket waiting for Jihyun to push me.

We have more money than we even realized, so being day one of our new life, we decided not to waste any time, and finally treat ourselves to proper meals and all other necessities.

"C'mon lazy, push meeeee" I squealed eagerly.
It's the smallest thing, but it's big enough to bring me happiness beyond compare.

He chuckled, "You're fourteen years old, you can't just walk?"

I shake my head as a response and he sighs coming over to push me with a smile plastered on his face.

As he's pushing me through the store, I sway back and forth, unable to hide my excitement, despite the strange looks being shot at the two of us.

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