Part two- Perfect

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(A/N): Okay guys I know chapter one was pretty short and this one isn't much longer, but it's just the beginning. We have so much planned really really soon, so please just tolerate these not amazingly perfect chapters for now 😂 we'll have a more impactful storyline coming just be patient please 🙏
And the picture in the media is Jihyun 😉

There was more screaming.
Lots of screaming. 

There was no way to tell if he was already bitten or not, other than the obvious assumption that he was.

While Mina and Jimin practically sprint to go help him, the rest of us could only wait.  We should have been helping the desperately wailing Jihyun. We should have been helping the distraught Mina and Jimin.  But no one else dared to move.  No one needed to, thanks to Jimin and Mina's "walker killing spree".

There were walkers coming at us left and right, it didn't seem like we had even a fighting chance. Mina picked up her ax and swung at almost all of them furiously, leaving Jimin with little to do with his pistol.

Nonetheless, he shot the remaining walkers just as furiously as Mina.

Once all of the walkers were dead, Mina began to madly shake Jihyun begging for a sign of life, while Jimin remained shooting an already slaughtered walker repeatedly. 

The only thing that prevented me from stopping him was in my brain, telling me this was just what he needed to let his anger out. Not even the loud noise of Jimin's gun potentially attracting more walkers was enough to get me to do something.

He finally collapsed on the ground upon finishing, and I immediately held him in my arms. 

My head shifted to where Jihyun's bitten up form lay, and my eyes met my brother's. 

They were filled with determination, but also despair.

I knew what he had to do. 

He knew what he had to do.

He didn't want to, but that fact that he had to was enough.

I held Jimin closer and made sure his vision was blocked from the scene that was about to occur.  Jungkook was going to shoot him. Better this way than to see him turn.

He was shaking so much it made me shake.  I had nothing to say- what could I say ?  So I said nothing. I didn't want to upset him more. 


Being the next day, things aren't any better.  Jimin is still shaking non-stop and hasn't spoken to any of us, including me.

I hear a "knock" on our tent followed by a tired-sounding Jooheon. 

"I made breakfast if you want." He said nonchalantly.  

I nod even though he can't see me and gently wake up the sleeping Jimin in my lap. 

"Jooheon made breakfast yeah?" I asked hoping he'd eat something although I know he won't. 

He simply shook his head, confirming my thoughts.  I drag him out of the tent with me anyway, ignoring his glares.  I refuse to leave him alone.

"You have to eat something." I told him.

Once I finally dragged him out of the tent for the third time due to his uncooperative behavior, we come to find everyone already eating.  The aura within them immediately changes once they spot Jimin's presence.
It's as if they're unable to be happy around him.  Sure, we all lost Jihyun, and we're all filled with grief, but he lost a part of himself that no one can return to him.

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