Night 2.

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"Good evening, Stiles", the Sheriff said when he entered the house after a whole day spent at his office. No one replied. He walked upstairs and opened his son's bedroom door to find an empty box of condoms and a small note wrapped around the door handle. "At Kindy's", it read. The Sheriff smiled and threw the box in the trash.

"How did you get there without your Dad noticing?", Scott asked when his best friend walked in his bedroom. "Long story, let's go", Stiles replied, out of breath. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and checked his texts. "Empty condom box?", Scott asked again with a slight smirk on his face. Stiles rolled his eyes, put his phone back in his pocket and opened the door. "Are we just going to stand there or are we actually going to Lydia's?", he replied, trying to avoid his best friend's interogatory.

"What the hell are you doing here", Lydia asked when she saw Scott and Stiles' faces behind the door. "Can we come in?", Scott replied, stepping in anyway. Lydia looked at him, surprised, and closed the door behind Stiles. She stared at him until he stared back. "What", Stiles asked. "I don't know, I'm just thinking I should've closed the door before you walked in", she replied. Stiles shrugged his shoulders and tilted his head. "Okay", he simply answered before rushing upstairs, "Listen. You HAVE to convince Kindy to go to prom with Scott". Lydia stared at both boys blankly, more specifically Scott. "What's the plan this time", she asked, crossing her arms, pouting a bit. "Ok, listen. Last night, we asked her if she wanted to go with Scott and she sai-", Stiles started when Lydia stopped him. "She said no because she realized Scott could eat her if she dared to take him on a date during a full moon and that might've freaked her out a little", she concluded. Lydia and Stiles heard Scott sigh. "Scott, seriously, I'm gonna stick an inhaler up yo-", Stiles started before Lydia stopped him again: "OKAY I don't want to know where this inhaler is going", she said. "I can control myself", Scott mumbled, "I would've killed you if I couldn't". Stiles hesitated and replied: "Well... Friendly reminder that you tried a few times, actually". Scott rolled his eyes. "It was a long time ago", he kept mumbling before standing up and leaving the house. "Woah there, hold on, Scott, where are you going?!", Stiles shouted from upstairs when his best friend slammed the door behind him. "Nah, whatever, he can't go anywhere without my keys", he told Lydia, putting his hand in his back pocket. His fingers desperately looked for his car keys when he heard the motor start outside. "Alright", he said nervously, trying to keep calm. Lydia smiled and cleared her throat to hold in a giggle.

"He hasn't acted weird in a long time, I don't know what's going on", Stiles confessed, looking out the window. He was staring at the moon. "You know, might be the moonlight", Lydia replied. "When was the last time he looked upset?", she asked. Stiles looked at the ceiling, crossed his arms, focused a little and stared at her. "What", she asked again. "Lydia", he started, "He felt something".

"It's 2am", Stiles sent his best friend. He nervously punched his desk and dropped his head on his books. "Scott, what the hell are you doing", he whispered to himself. His Dad walked in. "So... How's she?", he asked, smiling. "She's fine. Scott left after a few minutes though", Stiles replied, looking out the window.

The Sheriff answered with a puzzled look. "Not to invade your privacy but why was Scott at Kindy's?", he asked. Stiles realized he just revealed his secret and tried to cover it up. "Dad. Teenage years. Wild nights", he said, putting his hand on his Dad's shoulder, "Now could you leave my room, I... I gotta find, uhm, you know, him", he stuttered.

His father left his son's bedroom and Stiles picked up his phone.

"SCOTT! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!", he shouted when his best friend finally replied, "I WAS SO... WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!". Scott giggled a bit before groaning slightly. "We had sex", he said. Stiles stared at his phone for a few seconds. "You had what?", he asked, shocked. "We had sex, you know, we did the do, we dingled the dong, w-", Scott started when Stiles stopped him, "OKAY I GOT IT", he shouted before turning around to face his father who just opened the door again. "DAD. PRIVACY", Stiles shouted before throwing a can at the handle, causing his Dad to close the door and apologize.

"Listen Scott, I don't know what you're doing but can you just act normal again because you're freaking me out. I mean, you simply left Lydia's house without a single word and now you're telling me you had sex with a girl you've almost never talked to. Just... Whatever it is, fix it", Stiles said, about to hang up when he heard Scott's voice whisper: "I was dragged to her house, I couldn't control anything". Stiles rolled his eyes and replied he didn't want to hear from his best friend's hormones stories. "It wasn't just the hormones, Stiles. It's like, for a few hours, my body was someone else's".

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