Chapter 6

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Funny how blissful you can feel for the precious first couple of seconds you wake up. The sunlight coming through the windows softly warms your face, and you're still wrapped in your comfy bed sheets. Then the events of the day before rush back into your mind, and the day is fucked.

Gabby was furious yesterday. None of the explanations I gave her for the fight between Courtney and I on campus was good enough, and the situation between Nicholas and her was more than enough trouble already.

"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE FOR BREAKFAST OR WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" clearly, a good night's sleep has done nothing to soothe Gabby's mood. "Not that you  seem to give a shit about Uni, anyway..." I hear her mumbling downstairs.

I roll my eyes and sigh before entering the kitchen, opting for a docile behavior. I guess I kind of earned it, after all.

"When does your detention start?" Gabby asks, a little less stormy in front of my placidity.

"Today, I think. I'll just go to the library after class and find out what they want me to do." I reply, grabbing a pan to make pancakes.

The rest of breakfast unfolds in uncomfortable silence. I then go take a quick shower, get dressed and a few moments later, jump in the car with my sister. I can tell the atmosphere on the way  to Uni is going to be as glacial as breakfast if I don't say something. I don't want to part ways for the day on bad terms.

"Any idea what you're going to do with the whole Nicholas' situation?" I ask with a small sympathetic smile.

Judging on the sigh Gabby lets out, I may have been better off shutting my mouth. 


For a minute there, I feel like I'm going to tell Athena to fuck off. But then, I remember the mess she caused yesterday, and that she already has that to deal with, no need to keep being insufferable. She regrets what happened and I know it. I sigh.

"I have no idea." I reply, shaking my head.

"Well, the good thing is, he doesn't seem to be willing to cause trouble. Maybe you can just stop worrying about it, since you guys agreed to forget about it?" Athena suggests.

My second sigh comes out louder than I expected.

"Oh... So I was right... You still like him." she adds, looking like she feels truly sorry for me.

I don't reply, feeling too embarrassed, and I feel grateful when she doesn't insist. We may argue like crazy, in the end we  know each other's boundaries.  We always find our way back to each other, and I know she'll be there when I'm ready to open up to her. But for now I'm way too confused about the situation to be able to function properly.

I park in front of the main building and watch as Athena steps out of the car.

"My detention finishes at 7 o'clock, I think. I can find a way to get back home on my own." She says,  grabbing her bag.

"Let's talk about it after my class, alright?  If I'm not too tired I'll stay and do some work while I wait for you." I reply, half convinced I can even make it through the day.

"Alright!" She smiles, closes the door and starts jogging towards the gymnasium.

I take a deep breath in, and drag myself out of the car. I have day full of classes to teach, and I'm secretly hoping it'll keep my mind busy.

By the time the students from my last class of the day come in, I'm actually pretty relaxed. Focusing on my student's artwork, teaching them new techniques and seeing how talented they are worked a treat. The first person to step in the classroom is Athena, and she gives me a discreet thumbs up and a cheeky smile, mouthing 'It's all gonna be okay' before she sits at her table.

I then see her give a furious look towards the door, and when I follow her gaze, watch Noah come in, followed closely by Nicholas. I know few can endure my sister's temper, and sure enough, as soon as Noah notices her death stare, his head drops and he looks at his shoes for the rest of the distance separating him from his desk.

But then my attention get backs to Nicholas, who has adopted a slightly different version of his friend's uneasy behavior, looking in front of him as if he couldn't even see me. Wonderful. 

I try to pull  myself together, even though the memories are rushing back to the surface, and my little inner voice can't help but call me colorful bird names. Why,  in all heavens, did I have to make out with that guy? Of all the people in that stupid new town,  I had to fall for one who turned out to be my student? 

I get to my desk, already agitated, and grab my student list. I start calling them one by one, and when I get to his name, he raises his hand but keeps looking away. What the hell is up with that guy?  If he's happy to move on like we agreed, why is he so oblivious?

I carry on with the list, trying to keep my rising vexation in check,  and grab a pen to write today's assignment on the board. I give my students  a short explanation of what I'd like them to work on today, and excuse myself out. Athena gives me a concerned look, but I wave at her to let it go.

Outside the room, there's a little water fountain.  I get a cup, sit next to it, and take my hundredth deep breath of the day. I need to calm down. Be responsible.  For fuck's sake. Panicking is not going to help. We moved here for a new start, and we're both fucking up already...

I get back to class after a few minutes and it goes on rather smoothly, although I can tell Athena is still worried. When the bell rings, she comes to my desk.

"Are you alright?" She frowns.

"Kind of..." I reply "Don't you have a detention to get to?"

"Yeah... Pain in the ass if you ask me... I'm going to have to be around this idiot for two hours. Hopefully they'll give us different chores..." She rolls her eyes.

"Right... Well I'm gonna go do the groceries and pick you up when you're done, then we can have dinner together?" I offer.

"Sounds good to me!" She replies "Nicholas  was staring at the door the whole time you were away, by the way..."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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