Chapter:43: Job well done

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Stars pov: I picked up the phone once I disappeared from ray n dialled Steves number to tell him that the job is done. I still feel bad about wat im doing to jst playing bitch deserves it

phone call:

Star: its done

steve: good good nw since shes to depressed n disgusted by ray we can strik tonight at midnight

star: y so soon

steve : we cant wait for to long we need to take her b4 she gets stronger

star: I don't think she will shes to broken

steve : trust me I know my nice she looks week nw but by tomorrow she will be strong.

me: ok if u say so

steve : I do put me on speaker I need to tell all of u the plan so I called the girls n I put him on speaker

me: ur on speaker

steve : gud hello laddies

girls: hay steve

beauty: so wats the plan

steve : il tell u but first I congradulate you for a job well done

babydoll: thank you

by nw u can c the whole omg crew is in this

star: so the plan

Steve: right right the plan is...


bellas mom's pov: I have a feeling something big is going to happen n my kids r in danger I knew there was only one thing to do when I sow Steve around this neighbourhood. ok im sure ur lost so let me brake it down for not really a doctor im actually a-gco by the window braking. its 11:50 pm n I have a feeling I know who this is I ran to a hidden room in the house my poor babys im so sorry I have to leave u. in the room I grabed "the" phone n I called the only ppl I know who can help me...

Rays pov : im sitting on my bed having a strange feeling like bella us in trouble idk y I feel this way but I do I decided to go n take a shower when I walked in a had with a white cloth covered my mouth n in a few sec I blackedout

I woke up in some abandoned warehouse atleast thats wat it seemed like I sow a girl n a boys body unconscious on the floor. I could only c blur n a figure of a girl with blue highlights stood infront of me

me: Star

is the last thing I said before blackingout again wats going on.

kat: the girls n I were having a night at my house to figure out wat to do about bells situation before we could even begin a puff of smoke came in my room we tried to leave but we couldn't we were choking on it in a few sec all of us fell down one by one like mosquitoes who have jst been sprayed by doom or raid. I woke up with a blury vision but I sow the girls next to me n we were in some kind of a room we were all sitting on a big bed n there was only walls around us n a huge tv wtf is going on. the tv switched on n the girls got a fright n woke up

steve: hello laddies nice to c u all up o where r my manners im steve bellas uncle

kat: u ur that fucking bustard who raped her

steve: o no no no I jst slept with her by force

tori : thats called rape u retard

steve : o I believe it is

alex : ur sick

steve : I know haha

rosea : y r we here n where is bella

steve : good question well ur here because ur frnds with bella n I dont need u lil girls running around n messing up my plan

me: wat plan

steve : one question at a time..fir bella shes with the ppl sge loves we all gave him I don't believe you look

steve : u dont believe me here he disappeared n the walls kinda slid but I dont think they r walls a big window (like the ones the ones where u can c the ppl inside but ppl inside cant c u) n we all sow bella at the middle ray at her right side a few feet away from her n diggy at her left side a few feet away from her. they were tied up. the wals closed again n he appeared on the tv once more

steve : c I told u shes with the ppl she loves n there all honna die together we all gasped n got scared. don't worry I have no intention of Killing u ladies I jst need out my way so I can finnish this ull receive ur food soon by nw the tv switched of omg omg omg wats gonna happen omg I cnt breath we r all freeking out my best frnd n my bf omfg another puff of smoke came in the room n a few sec later we blacked out later on I opened my eyes vision still blury I sow a girl with pink highlights I was able to make out who it was it was

me: beauty

is the last thing I said before I blackedout


guys im so sorry I know I said ill updated yesterday but I had an asthma attack n I had to go to the hospital im so sorry but ill up a few more up

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