chapter 16: im finally home

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bellas piv:as we pulled to my drive way I sow my csr n prince n roseas car so I knew everyone was home ray got the door for me which was surprising considering he hates me we walked to my door n I entered the house knowing ut wouldnt be locked I ler ray come in with me for getting my brother is diggy n he ddnt know o well he walked behind me to the lounge to c a knocked out rosea n prince cuddling on the floor n a surprise my best frnd n my brother cuddling on the couch spongebob was on lol I was a lil week so I  reached for my phone then I remembered I have  no phone I  reached for a glass on the table n droped it it shattered n the noise caused everyone to jump they were so confused then all eyes were focoused o me n everyone screamed my name


bella:ahhhh cnt....breath they release hmmmm better lol

kat: o girl u ok looking happy n releved

prince:welcome back

rosea: sí que estás bien gracias a Dios que estábamos tan preocupados u consiguió mucho que explicar después desesperado sobre nosotros como que n no llamar o enviar mensajes de texto o incluso una carta u conocer la noticia nos hizo pensar que estaba muerto o que sólo piensa en una de mis mejores amigos muertos (tnk gid ur ok u know u made us so worried afte despairing on uus like that n not leaving a text msg a call or even a letter u know the news made us think u were dead jst think one of my best frnds dead
bella: deadno I was no where near dead

diggy:well lets jdt be glad we were so wortied but ur back home where u wont be hurt its gud to have u back sis

ray:sis?raising an eyebrow in confusion everyone looked at each other then rsy looked at me confused o shit wat have I done

ray:wat does he mean by sis


diggy:waut a sec y the fuck u in this house

ray:I was jst bringing her back home

diggy: n hw did u know where to find her

ray: I ddnt I was jdt walking n I sow her so I decided to give her a paaw
ray got punched in the face n he fell on the ground I was confused diggydidnt punch him risea n princewere to far until I looked uptoc an angry kat (lmfao angry kat) dang that was a good punch he got a bleecing nose then kat started yelling in Russian btw she part Russian
kat:Вы лжец, я знаю, что ты что-то TODO с всей этой смеси, если я узнаю, что вы были ответственны за исчезновение Беллы я убью вашего жаль облажался задницу получил его!( lier I knowu have something todo with this whole mix up with bellas desapierence if I find out I will kill ur sorry fucked up ass got it
ray looked scared lmao but he got up n protested

ray:look here I was trying to be nice ok I was jst driving n I sow belka walking I was austonished to c her akive I knew it woukd take her long to get home n I know hw much yall have been suffering I was jst doing a goid deed ok im trying go change my ways n I dgaf if yall dont wanna beleve ive cganged but thus endless threatening is getting old u guyzshiukd be happy I briught velka homein one piece but watever ll I asxed was wT did diggy nean by sis ok n u katdecide to jump me man fuck this last tym I tryto do a goid deed for u hestormed out the house n I kinda felt bad uggg I can c y they eouldthink utwas himbut seriously he jst brought me home they couldnt be happy

bella:guuuyyyz look I knowu would point fingers at him but c'mon he jst brought ne home the least u could do is be great full ugg I ran out the house to try catch uo with him bytas soon as I got outthe the house he was gone ugg I'll tnk him on monday  iwalked back in to kat ckeaning the glass

kat:im sorry bella im great full he saved ya but I still don't trust him

bella:smiles ayy its kwl its nit like I think hes a saint ok we bith layghed n I helped her clean it was a lil late nwn I knew my momwoukd be awake in africa so I decided to call her jst so ica put her to eas

bella:helko mommy

becca:bella my angle ur ok

bella: lol yes mom im ok I know ur busy so I jst wanted to video cgat euth uto put u at eas

becca: o tnk u my love we talked for abiut 2hiurs catching up she even told me about a baby girk that reminded her of me  she asxed me wat hapoend n y idesapiared I told her I ciuldnt remember wat hapoened after 4hiurs of talking I saud my good night's n she said her goodmirnings it wad 1200am an everyone was asleep kat went to spend the night with diggy rosea n prince were in the guestroom I went to my room n opened my closet I looked for my sleeping clothes befor I changed I siw mysrlf in my lenght view mirror wowi look pretty cute without those rags I wore I decided to change my look from nw on I mean the only resl reason I was stuck in wearing thise clothes is coz my dad hated seeing girls in tight clothes n brand stuff but im gonna move on not forget nojst move on I put on my sleeping clothes n went to bed  aaaaa well im glad to be homec:
oknw thst igot bella back n ray has "changed" im gonna bring the dramanext week if I can get atleast 15 votes its not akit to asx jst 15 n if u want those rated r like serious rated r I'll need atleast 20-25 votes its not akot to asx is it hmmmm pweas  but tnx to the ppl who have been reading n voting u guyz r the only reason I keep going u give me hope.

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