Chapter 13

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Halfway through his concert, Harry grabs a stool, sets in the middle of the stage, grabs his mic and walks toward the side of the catwalk where Louis and Jacqueline is watching from.
"Most of my die hard fans know I'm a huge Shania Twain fan." Harry says reaching his hand out, motioning for Jacqueline to take his hand, smiling when she does. "This next song is a last minute add on, for this one special person who means so much to me." He says as he pulls her to the stool, helping her so she could sit down. "This is, From This Moment On." Harry says as the band starts playing the song. Harry stands next to Jacqueline, holding her hand, while he sings the whole song, not once taking his eyes off her. He knew exactly when she realized the meaning of the words, saw when the tears came to her eyes, saw her mouth the words "I love you" as he sang to her, which made him want to cry. And he did when the song is over, because he, in front of thousands of fans and her brother, drops to one knee, pulls out the ring Louis helped him pick out, asks. "Jacqueline Joanna Tomlinson, I love you more than anything in this world, will you marry me, please?"

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Jacqueline reaches up with both hands, frames Harry's face with them, wiping his tears, leans forward and with a calm clear voice says for everyone to hear. "Yes. I love you too. I'd marry you right now if I could." She grins.

Harry audibly let's out the breath he's holding. "Thank you God." He whispers, hugging Jacqueline to him, sobbing into her shoulder as his fans go nuts behind him. Pulling away slightly, Harry puts the ring on Jacqueline's finger, kisses her, then stands up. "Whew, now I have sing again. I should have thought this out better." He laughs.

"You'll do great, as always." Jacqueline says, kissing his cheek. "Now, knock them dead." She smiles as she leaves the stage, going back to Louis' side.

"My beautiful fiance, Jacqueline." Harry says, voice slightly rough. He then turns to the band and has them start the next song.

Rolling over, Harry grabs his phone. "Hello." He says quietly, hoping the ringing didn't wake Jacqueline up.

"Congratulations." Gemma says. "You do know your perposal is all over the internet don't you?"

Harry glances over at Jacqueline to see her looking back at him. "Yeah, Gem. I kinda figured something like that would happen when I asked her the way I did." Harry smiles, letting Jacqueline know who he's talking to.

"I'm glad you two finally met. I got to meet her a few years ago, mom and I surprised Jay one day. Jacq was in the kitchen helping her cook Dan's lunch, you can imagine how shocked mom and I were to find out Jay had another daughter we knew nothing about." Gemma laughs. "And this one so much like you even mom said she'd be perfect for you when we left there."

Harry laughs. "Yeah I can imagine. And, as usual, mom's right, Jacq is perfect in every way." Harry says, not looking away from the girl next to him.

"Have you set a date yet? Mom's wanting to know how busy we'll be in the forseeable future." Gemma asks.

"We don't want a huge wedding, Gem. My first break is in six weeks. It'll last for a month, we were planning on throwing something together then." Harry says.

Gemma sighs. "Small is fine, but you know damn well "throwing together" will never work with mum and Lottie. You may as well let them plan everything until you guys can get here to find your future bride a dress." Gemma says, knowing Harry put his phone on speaker.

"You're right Gemma. I'm surprised Lot, hasn't already blown my phone up asking me what colors I want, where I want it held, or anything else she can think to ask." Jacqueline laughs.

"Honey give her time, her and mum aren't done with the list yet." Gemma warns.

"Fantastic." Harry and Jacqueline says at the same time, causing Gemma to laugh.

"Well I did my sisterly duty, I warned you both of pending doom." She chuckles. "Now I'll let you prepare yourselves, get your answers ready. Love you both." Gemma says.

"Love you." Harry says before hanging up his phone. He then looks over at Jacqueline. "I guess that was our wake up call." He says with a grin. "You want to get up and start breakfast?"

"Yeah, Louis' only going to be with us a few more days, I want to make his favorite breakfast before he leaves." Jacqueline says as she pulls one of Harry's shirts over her head.

"Really? You think you can do that on a moving bus?" Harry asks.

"I can with your help." Jacqueline smiles.

Harry winks, kisses her quickly, then leads her toward the front of the bus. "Deal, I'm starving. And I learned to like that shit traveling with Lou all those years." He chuckles, helping Jacqueline gather the things she needs to make the food.

"Thought so, you did buy all this." Jacqueline laughs, elbowing Harry in the side, not seeing Eleanor watching them. "Mum taught me how to cook this exactly how Louis likes it. A few years ago she tried to teach Eleanor, but she told mum Lou would just have to hire a cook because she wasn't doing shit like this on a daily basis."

"What about you? You don't mind cooking do you?" Harry asks, handing her the ingredients she needs.

"No, I love to cook." Jacqueline says. "And I know you do to, Anne used to talk about you coming home and cooking for her and Robin all the time."

"Yeah, I just don't get to do it as often as I'd like to." Harry says. "Even when I'm home I'm not there enough to cook full meals, and it's not fun eating alone." Harry says, kissing Jacqueline's neck.

"You don't have to worry about that anymore." Jacqueline says. "I'll be there to eat with you."

"I know." Harry whispers. "And I can't wait."

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