Chapter 14

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Harry follows Jacqueline up the stairs leading to the door of the private plane, his hands on her hips. These past few weeks traveling from town to town, venue to venue, staying up until all hours of the night, getting up early to make sure everything is ready for the next show, has been tiring. Harry's just glad he's had Jacqueline by his side during the whole thing, she's been his rock. He doesn't think he'd made it if he hadn't found her. At times like this, he kinda feels sorry for Louis, they've stayed in constant contact, and from the text messages and talks they've had Eleanor has done nothing but bitch about every little thing, nothing seems to please her. Where as with his Jacq she complains about nothing, helps out when needed, the entire crew adores her.

Jacqueline can tell Harry is wiped out by how his posture is, he's shoulders are slightly hunched, heads down, he's walking slower than usual. Hopefully he'll be able to get some rest on their flight home. Once they're finally on the plane, Jacqueline sits down, pulling Harry beside her.
"I need a nap. I didn't sleep very well last night." She says covering a yawn.

Harry looks at her with a frown. He hasn't had a party since he told he'd stop until last night, the only reason he threw the one he did the night before is because it's the end of the first leg of his tour. Harry thought the guys needed a release. "The party last night didn't keep you awake did it?" He asks.

"No, the party was fine. It was just us, the band and the crew. No outside people coming and going I didn't know." Jacqueline says. "Louis called after you fell asleep, I ended up talking to him for a few hours. He was upset about some shit Eleanor pulled at his show."

Harry wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. "Why didn't you wake me up, I would have talked to him also." He says as he watch a few of the others claim their seats. "What did Eleanor do this time?"

"Seems Lou was right in the middle of singing one of his songs and she some how pulled the plug. She then walks out on stage and starts telling everyone how sorry she is, and it would never have happened if Louis wasn't such a horrible boyfriend and would show her things like you do with me, even though our relationship is fake." Jacqueline whispers. "Louis said she then went and left one of the mics backstage on and let the audience hear her tell one of the stage hands that she and Louis wasn't really dating, that you were using me to hide the fact that you're really engaged to her." She says as the tears finally comes to her eyes. "It's all over twitter."

Harry grabs his phone and logs onto his twitter. What he sees literally makes him sick, not all of it. Some of it is in Jacqueline's favor, but some of it is down right disgusting. Saying she shouldn't use her brother's fame to keep two people in love apart, some calling her a whore.
"Did you read any of this crap?" Harry asks.

"Some, but the negative doesn't bother me that much. I was actually expecting that from your fans. The nice thing being said makes up for all that, it's the things Eleanor posts herself that pisses me off. She is actually photoshopping pictures of you two and putting them on her time line for everyone to see. That's why a lot of people believe her." Jacqueline says taking Harry's phone out of his hand. She then shows him what she means.

"I know how to solve that problem." Harry says. "My fans always complain about me not being on social media that much, well that's about to change." He whispers, kissing Jacqueline's neck. "Send me all those selfies of us you took, even the ones in our bed. Our fans are about to get a treat." He grins.

Jacqueline smiles. "I'll send all the decent ones. There's a few you aren't posting." She winks.

"Right, just don't delete those." Harry whispers. "Those are my favorite pictures of you." He smiles.

Jacqueline snorts. "That's because I look like I've just been made love to, which I had been." She giggles.

Harry grabs the back of her head, pulls her toward him. "Exactly." He smirks. "You look well loved." He says as he kisses her.

"Hurry up with that." Jacqueline laughs, kissing Harry's cheek. "I still need that nap, maybe if we wake up before we land I'll show you how much I love you in the bathroom later." She whispers.

Hearing that Harry loads several pictures Jacqueline had taken of the two of them, off and on over the past few weeks, doing odd things. Some were of them cooking on the bus, playing cards with the band, doing sound check, and yes, cuddling in bed. Some of the bed pictures were late at night after a concert, some were early morning right after waking up.
Within seconds of Harry posting the pictures on his twitter and instagram accounts, the comments, likes and shares started skyrocketing. It didn't take long for people to start calling Eleanor and her loyal followers liars.
"My job is done." Harry says as he turns his phone down. "Now, come here, I'm beat and in need of a nap also." He tells Jacqueline, opening his arms for her to lay in.

"I love you." Jacqueline laughs as they both hear the faint dings coming from Harry's phone every time he gets a message.

"Love you too. I'll answer those when we wake up." Harry whispers, already half asleep.

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