I got on skype as Harry and Luna talked about babies, quite frankly, it annoyed me, but I wasn't going to say so.
The beep of the skype messenger rang and rang as Liam answered.
"Sam?" He answered, looking tired.
I smiled at him sheepishly and h yawned.
"What's up Sam?" He said, his voice fuzzy.
I looked behind him and saw the lights were off.
"Were you napping?" I asked, hoping there was a way to escape telling my brother.
He shook his head.
"Just woke up actually. Why did you call though?" He asked again.
I took a deep breath.
"Are Louis and Zayn there too?" I asked, preparing myself.
He nodded and yelled
There was a long pause and I hear Louis' voice.
"Why are we yelling?" He said loudly.
Zayn looked in the camera and waved.
"Vas Happenin' Sam?" He said, smirking.
I smiled halfly and Harry sat next to me, waving at Louis.
"So what's up Sam?" The three boys said.
"I bit my lip.
"I, uh.."
I had to hold my hand back from hanging up.
Louis raised an eyebrow.
"You're what?" He pressured on.
Harry grabbed my thigh, squeezing it comfortingly and I bit my lip again.
"I'm pregnant and it's Niall's."
At first, the boys stayed stone faced, but then Louis reacted.
"WHAAAAAA?!" He fell on the ground, disappearing from camera.
"NO. WAY." Zayn yelled, his mouth agape.
Liam went into a rage.
"Niall did this to you? The SAME Niall who cheated on you? I'll kill-"
Louis cut him off.
"Does Niall know?" Liam went quiet and I shook my head.
"No.." I said, chewing on my lip for support.
Liam looked at me.
"You want me to tell him?" He said, still obviously angry.
I shook my head.
"No I wanna tell him..."
Liam nodded and I sighed.
"I have to go." I said softly, hanging up.
Harry looked at me.
"Why did you hang up?" He said, shocked.
I grabbed my cell phone, going to my contacts and scrolling down.
"I have one more person to tell... and I don't want to see his face when I do."
With that note, I pressed call and Niall's face appeared on my screen.
I was scared... I heard the phone ring and my heart beat quickened.
What if he doesn't answer? I though, looking at the ground.
Then, his Irish tone answered, causing me to feel knots form in my stomach.
"Sam?" His voice said, sounding eager.
I took a deep breath and chewed my lip softly.
"Hey Niall..." I said, mu breath short and choppy.
I could practically hear his excitement over the phone.
"Why're you calling? I mean... I don't mind and-"
"Niall," I interrupted. "I have to tell you something.."
He sighed in relief and I raised an eyebrow confused.
Luna, who had just walked in the room, looked at me in shock.
"What is he saying?!" She mouthed.
I put a finger over my lips to shush her and she nodded.
"I have to tell you something to." He said with excitement.
"Niall look I-" He interrupted.
"Me first, please?" He said.
I sighed.
He was quiet at first before he finally spoke.
"I still love you Sam.." He said simply.
I gasped, breath catching in my throat.
Was he serious?
I felt all my feelings for Niall rush back into me, but I pushed them away, not wanting it.
I felt a tear roll down my face ,but I quickly wiped it away, chewing my bottom lip harder, feeling a bit of blood on my tongue.
"Sam?" Niall's voice asked.
I coughed, arranging myself to sound normal.
"Okay, my turn." I said acting as though he didn't say anything.
"Sam, I just told you I still-"
"Niall I'm pregnant!" I yelled, and wanting to hear it again.
There was an awkward silence and Niall yelled.
I groaned.
"Yes you idiot it's yours!"
His breath as loud and heavy.
"Want me to come and get you? What does this mean for us Sam?!" He said nervously.
I shook my head.
"I just thought you should know. I don't want you to come and I'm not going over there. I have Harry and my brother to help me and whenever she or he is born I'll let you come see them, until then. Bye Niall."
"No Sam, wait!"
I hung up, falling to my knees and sobbing, Luna rushing to my side, hugging me.
That was rather harsh."
I looked around and saw Harry wasn't in the room.
"I don't want him to come 'cause I still LOVE him Lu.." I whispered.
She gasped and I nodded, hugging her and sobbing into her shoulder.
She hugged me back and ran her fingers through my hair.
I was so screwed...
poor Harry baby :'( <///3
Anyway, If this book gets a lot of reads and votes by spreading it, I'll give dedication to whoever spread this book on the next chapter.
this book is getting interesting so...
Estela xx

Lucky ~Niall Horan Love Story~
FanfictionThis book, together with the sequel, belongs to 'ashtonfivesauce'. If you didn't know her, her past username was 'malikjuanaxo' :))