Chapter 2: Secrets

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I walk into my house and sit on my bed, Brittany following behind me. She stands in front of me.

"It will be ok!" She kneels in front of me and puts her hands on my knees.

"You know what happened to Kurt... I can't have that too. You don't deserve it either!!!" I yell. Brittany backs away.

"People love you Santana. I wish you could see that!" She stands up staring at me. I try to hide my tears and look down at my knees.

"Don't cry Santana." Brittany comes and sits down next to me. She lifts my chin with her hand and wipes away my tears with the other. She leans in slowly and kisses me softly.

"Come on let's take a nap, maybe you'll feel better if you less tired." Brittany lays down on my bed. I lay back next to her, cuddling into her.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"It was bound to happen someday." I whisper back, my eyes slowly starting to close.


"Santana!! Wake up!! We have school!!!" Brittany yells shaking me awake.

"What time is it?" I groan rubbing my eyes. Brittany had already gravitate toward the bathroom. I throw the covers off of me and walk to the bathroom. I probably looked like a zombie.

"Britt?" I ask looking for her.

"I need to shower. Care to join me?" She asks smirking. I smile and nod agreeing to join her. She turns the shower on letting it run. She slowly takes off her clothes, I do the same. She climbs into the shower, and I follow closely behind her. The hot water runs on my body, waking me up. Brittany turns around to face me. She bites her lip staring at me, then takes a step closer, placing her hands on my hips. She leans in and kisses me softly. I return the kiss with more power, letting my arms wrap around her neck. She moves closer to me, our body's right up against each other. I lift her up, and she wraps her legs around my waist. I push her up against the shower door not letting our lips part.

"San. We. Have. School." She whispers in between kisses. I groan annoyed, and put her down so we could actually shower.


I sit in the passenger seat of Brittany's car looking down.

"Santana it will be ok. We should sing something in glee club. They all love you. Maybe it will help." Brittany looks a me and places her hand on my thigh.

"I don't know. I'm not ready for this pull announcement but it's happening anyway." I open the car door and get out, slamming the door behind me. I begin walking toward the school, too confident considering the circumstances.

"Santana wait!" I hear Brittany slam her car door and run up behind me. I stop to wait for her.

"I'm sorry, it's just-" Brittany interrupts me.

"I know it's hard, but you will get through this because your the most amazing person in the world." I smile at her and link our pinkies.

We enter the school, and everyone's eyes are on us. Nerves run through my body, and part of me just wants to run away and cry but I know I have to face this. For Brittany. We stop at our lockers, right next to each other and grab our books for class.

"I'll see you after class!" Brittany sneaks a quick kiss then heads off to her math class. I walk alone in the hall until i reach the Spanish room. I really wish that Mr. Shue was still teaching Spanish, maybe my first class wouldn't be hell if he was. He would at least stick up for me if one of the football idiots said anything to me. I sit in the back of the room, trying to go unnoticed, but as a hot cheerleader and straight up bitch, you cant really help but turn heads on a normal day, today was just a thousand times worse.

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