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"Hey long time no see huh?" I bumped into John and beat his shoulder. "Uh, yeah. Haha how you've been doing?" He said awkwardly. "Um, great" I smile. "Um o..k... so... you and Isaac. Uh hm?" He ask me with a body language. I'm very sure he's asking about our relationship. "Um yeah, but he's back to his hometown yesterday. So yup," I said. "Oh haha okay. Actually I have an appointment with mrs.Claire so..."
"Oh I'm sorry, you gotta go now"
He nod and run.
Why is he being so awkward with me. We're best friends right? Um not anymore after I drove him out of my house years ago but we still are. Maybe. I hope he thought the same way. I hope that he still thinks that I'm his best friend. Forget it I need to go to Maria's house. She's our neighbor. Nothing special about her, she just a typical old lady that is from Mexico. I need to hand her some cookies that my mom's baked a little for her.

I went back home and go straight to my bedroom. I take my MacBook and charge it. I really missed Jessie. She's miles away from us. She's studying in London. Well, she really had planned and followed her dream so well.

We always FaceTime each other because we're so close here and now she's miles away from me. It's boring you know, living with Avery. The dumbass devil. And Mike, he doesn't have time to spend with me. All he know was his friends. His friends are the first and his family are the second to him. But sometimes Mike will spend time with me but only like once a month. It's like we're not living under the same roof.

"Hey so Isaac's back home?" Jessie ask me through FaceTime. "Yea" I said sadly. It's sad, really sad when I flashing back our memories together. Urgh it's the sweetest in my life. We only don't have sex yet otherwise we're a true couple goals. "So you've done it?" "Nah we're not. We've caught twice but Avery still blank and doesn't have any idea. Hahaha" I laugh. Yea, we want to have it before he goes back but I forgot to lock the door and Avery gets in and saw Isaac is standing and I'm lying on the bed. We almost done it. I'm covered by the blanket and Isaac only zipped down his zipper on his jeans. So he's probably not naked and Avery doesn't seem to understand what we're doing and thought that we're exercising. "lol seriously!" Jessie just laugh. She's done it when she's 17 with her boyfriend James. She done it on my parent's bed when my parents went out for a vacation. She really represents a bad girl. How did I know? Jessie tells me everything. And James were following her to London. They studied together and lived together now. I hope I have that one last-long relationship with my boyfriend. "I need to go to bed bye."
"Goodbye" Jessie waves her hand and I heard James ask her who's that and she said it was me and I end the call.

"Missed me?"

Omg it's from Isaac!!! But the text makes me sad. I remembered when John's long disappearance and go to my house and ask me if I missed him. Why am I thinking about John? Please please please. I really can't do this I had a boyfriend so I need to behave.

"Of course baby 😍😘" I reply
"😘 kisses for you" he replies back.

How cute!

"Ey Gwen how you've been doing? How's your relationship with Isaac?"

It is a text from my fake boyfriend. But how does he knows about Isaac? Yea I mean it's been 3 years Isaac learned in the same school as me because he lives here in about 3 years but no one really knows about our relationship.

"Shut up stalker, mind your own business" I reply.
"Sorry." He replies back.


What's this? I've found a pen. A really cute pen at my locker and a notepad saying "good luck in your upcoming exam. Wishing you a lots of luck! Please make this pen as your lucky charm for your exam. FIGHTING!"

Such a cutie. I want to say thank you to him but how can I talk to him? Oh yea his phone number I had his phone number. I need to call him right away.

I'm at the hallway. I asked for out for awhile for an urgent call. Which is not but I don't really care. It's just a maths class.
"Hey sup"
"Hello!" I can't hear him so well. I think he's in the public. But then I heard a bell ranging sound. Wait is he in the school. But my school's bell is not ringing. So in which school does he in.
"I'm sorry I'll call you later. I gotta go bye!" And he ends the call. I just wanna say thank you. Never mind. I walk to my class and everyone's looking at me.

"Ms. Webbings ?" mr. Robinson's looking at me with one-raised eyebrow.
"Um yes." I said.
"Is this you?" He open back the projector and yea there's a picture of me in it. It's a pic of me but in a bad way. It's me and Isaac. It's the pic of me closing my eyes and Isaac was kissing my neck and one of his hand is under my blouse and one more is between my leg. It's a hot pic of me anyways. But how come it's spreading? And who took the picture. We're doing this scene at the playground but at the midnight. So who is the one who took it? My face turns red. I'm a good girl at school and everyone has now changing their mindset about me.
"Wow Gwen I thought you're a goody goody!" Samuel said loudly. And the whole class are agreed and smiled at me.
"Lemme try you girl ! " Nick yelled.
"Good job Gwen !" Dave sounds sarcastic and clap his hand.
"Hahaha wow isn't that Isaac? The handsome transfer student who learned here for 3 years? I can't believe it !" Jane yell and point at the picture.
Everyone gasps and looking at me. They're like not trusting their eyes. Some of them looks at the picture closely to identify Isaac because it's dark. Some of them was just looking at me Shockedly. I leave the class and ran back home.


Omg it is him ! (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now