Part 1

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Well today didn't go the way I planned, it was the last day of school until the end of summer and I was planning to spend the night at my friends house. I had completed all my chores around the farm and in the house and had made my dad his dinner. "Alright daddy, all my chores are done. Can I go to Liana's house now?" I asked eagerly as I dried the last plate from dinner and put the towel back on the over to hang.

"Is that tonight?" He mumbled without looking up from his paper. He had spent all day on the farm and had just sat down to dinner. He generally spent the night in his chair reading the paper or watching the news.

"Yes daddy, we organised it a week ago. Can I go?" I ask.

"I'm sorry sweetie I completely forgot, you'll have to cancel tonight. I've got two boys coming as stable hands and I need you to settle them in while I work tonight." He says putting his paper down this time so I can see him. I frown but nod my head there's nothing I can do, if my dad doesn't have time to show them around and settle them, then I have to do it.

My mum isn't around anymore and I've been raised to follow my dads orders, so that's what I'm doing. I bow my head sadly and walk out of the kitchen without responding to my dad. I walk up the stairs and in to my room to grab my phone, my precious phone which I had only just acquired. I'm sixteen years old and my dad and only just decided that I could have one now, I had only been begging him since I was thirteen years old. I texted Liana to tell her that I couldn't come over and then I went in to one of the two spare bedrooms to make up the beds.

I had no idea what these boys were like, I didn't even know where they were from or why my dad had decided to hire them. "Gemma?" When I looked up from the bed I was making my dad was standing in the door way.

"Yes daddy?" I asked as I folded the flat sheet under the end of the single bed. I pulled the corner up and tucked the rest underneath making a hospital corner and moved to the other side of the bed to do the same on the other side.

"Could we talk please? I know you're upset." He said firmly.

I nod my head obediently and he walks in to the room and sits on the side of the bed and pats the mattress next to him for me to sit next to him. I can't be angry at my dad I know he's only doing this to keep us afloat. After the harvest season is done the only way we survive is with the eggs from the chickens, the milk from the cows and the sale of other live stock. It's hard, I know it is so I understand that he needs help. It was stupid of me to think that I would be enough help through the summer.

"I'm sorry Gem, I wasn't trying to ruin your plans. If things settle down in the next few days I see no problem with you going to stay with Liana for a few days next week. I just wanted to explain to you why these boys are coming." He says as he puts his hand on my leg and gives me a soft smile.

"Why are they coming? Where are they from?" I ask curiously.

I can honestly say that I am curious, it's not very often we get farm hands, and when we do they're normally older because my dad is afraid that the younger ones will hit on me and get me pregnant, his words not mine...

"They're from the city, I've been communicating with their parents for some months now, they're rebels of some sort." He says cautiously, he's looking at me waiting for my reaction.

"Rebels?" I respond with a blank face. My father is my making me look after a bunch of delinquents?

"They just need a swift kick in the rear end, they'll behave because if they don't they'll have to deal with me, not their parents." He says sternly and I let out a laugh. When I was small and I did something wrong my dad would make me write 100 lines saying 'I will not misbehave' and then he would make me do five laps at a swift pace around the horses paddock. It didn't even matter what time of day it was, if he found out something at three o'clock in the morning he would wake me up. Safe to say that I pulled my head in very quickly and haven't put a foot wrong for the last two years, I hate running laps.

"I'm not sure lines and laps will be enough daddy," I say with a soft smile.

"They will be just fine, don't you worry about that. The sooner they learn to behave and comply to the rule the sooner they get to go home and have their summer back." He tells me and goes to stand up. Now I'm confused, is my dad bringing these kids here to smarten them up? Is he even paying them?

"Are they working for free?"

"Now do you think that's any of your business Gemma Riley?" My scolds me. "Do you need to do some lines and laps?" He arched his eyebrow at me curiously as if he was inviting me to push it. I shook my head and stood back up to continue making the bed.


It was nine o'clock when the boys finally arrived. They arrived separately and loudly. The tall boy I hadn't learned his name he yelled out from the porch when he arrived, rather rudely actually. "Hey is anyone gonna help me with my bloody bags?" Unfortunately my father had gone to bed, it was after nine when he arrived dad gets up at four o'clock in the morning.

I had yanked open the door hastily to scold the teenage boy who was standing on my porch but I walked right in to a cloud of smoke. "What the heck is wrong with you?! If my dad catches you smoking he'll kill you!" before I had a chance to actually look at him he shoved a bag in to my chest and stubbed out his cigarette.

"Where my room?" He said loudly as he let out his last drag through the house as we walked towards the staircase.

"Are you always this rude when you're invited in to somebodies house?" I asked him as I dragged his things up to his room. I put his bag down by the door.

"Only when there's an uptight bitch inviting me in." He snickered back as he dumped his other bag on the floor and started emptying the contents right in front of me. Now I try to think that I'm not a prude, but I've never had a boyfriend and since I was eleven years old I had be raised by my dad. I have manners, I follow the rules and I have never had a boyfriend. And now I'm stuck with this rude delinquent in my house. So maybe I am an uptight bitch.

I scoff and roll my eyes at this guy, he's been in my house for two minutes and he's already called me an uptight bitch. "Lights out at ten, you'll be woken up at four. My name is Gemma by the way, the bathroom is the first door on the left, don't use all the water in the morning." I said sternly and closed his door in his face.

"Fucking nice to meet you Gemma, my name is Liam!" He yelled as he opened his door.

I muttered rude things under my breath as walked back down stairs and out to the porch to clear up the cigarette butt that Liam had left there. "Hello darling," what I thought was a polite young man turned out to be a young scruffy rebellious teenager who also had a lit cigarette in his hand. On the other hand he was rather attractive and a lot more polite than Liam had been.

"Hello..." I replied timidly as I discarded Liam's cigarette in the bin. The boy smiled broadly at me and the first thing I noticed was his bright blue eyes. The second thing I noticed was his greasy brown hair that was slicked back, it was unusual to see such a scruffy person in the country, around here the men are clean shaven and polite.

"Am I at the right place? I'm here to work for Greg Riley." He said as he stepped forward and held out his hand for me to shake. I think it's safe to say, even though I've only said one word to him, that I like him better than Liam.

"You're at the right place. I'm Gemma, Greg is my dad." I said feeling calm and confident that this kid wouldn't be as much trouble as the first one had been. "Let me help you with your bags." I offer as he butts out his smoke and puts it in the bin.

"I've got it." He shakes his head and picks up his two bags. "So are there any rules I need to know about?" He asks as we walk up the porch and in to the entry way.

"Well first off if my dad finds you smoking you'll be in the paddock for three days running laps..." I mumble as we walk towards the stairs.

"Well I best not get caught then. Any other rules I should know... Oh dear, I'm so rude. I'm Louis!" He says as we climb the stairs.

"My dad will make the rules clear in the morning but you best get some sleep. Breakfast is at four fifteen." I tell him and open the door to the second spare bedroom that we have. "Lights out at ten. Bathroom is the first door on the left, don't use all the hot water." I tell him as I begin to close his door.

"Thanks Gem, sleep well." He says and flashes me another one of those stunning smiles that light up his eyes.

Two teenage boys in my house, both very attractive, both trouble makers. This should be fun...

Punished - Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne AUWhere stories live. Discover now