Part 2

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If I thought yesterday was a bad day then today was hell on earth. The only thing that didn’t piss me off was the fact that there was hot water when I was expecting there to be none at all. When I woke up at four I went down stairs to make coffee for my dad, he always feeds the animals and then comes in for breakfast.

When I had finished with the coffee I went back upstairs to have a shower and was rather surprised that there was hot water only to realize that the teenage delinquents that arrived last night were not even up yet. I got dressed in jean shorts, a green strappy tank top and a purple hooded jacket and went downstairs to make breakfast. After the way things happened last night there was no way I was doing them any favours.

And again I was surprised when I got down stairs, Louis was up and ready for work sitting at the kitchen table sipping on coffee. “Good morning, Gemma!” He sounded far too chirpy for my liking. I didn’t respond and I went in to the kitchen to start making breakfast. “Excuse me Gemma?” I turned around to see Louis standing behind me with an unsure look on his face.


“Um, could I make something to eat?” He mumbles.

“Sit down, I’m making breakfast now.” I say and turn on my heel and head to the fridge. I pull out fresh eggs from the chickens, a wad of bacon and some mushrooms and take them to the bench. “How do you like your eggs?” I ask Louis without turning around to see him.

“Scrambled please,” He replies and I already know he’s got a giant front on his face.

“Morning Gem,” My dad walks through the door just as I’m putting breakfast on the table. I smile as he comes over to me and kisses my cheek. “Where’s the other boy?” He asks curiously as he sits down to his breakfast.

“I’m not sure, I think he’s still in bed.” I respond as I place a plate full of fried goodness in front of Louis and look to the stairs curious to see if Liam had come down for breakfast yet. I knew how it worked if you slept in, the later he got up the later in to the night he would work.

“Well when he does get up I’d like you to send him out to the paddock. What’s your name young man? You seem to be on the ball.” My dad turned his attention to a scruffy looking Louis. Louis seemed surprised I don’t really understand why he’s not as confident with my dad as he was with me last night.

“My name is Louis, sir.” He replies as he looks down at the food I’ve placed in front of him and smiles gratefully at me. I go back to making my own breakfast and listen closely to their conversation.

“Nice to meet you Louis, when you’re finished eating I’ll take you out to the stables and show you what to do. Do you have any questions?” Dad was pretty straight forward but I nearly dropped the hot frying pan on my foot when Louis responded with a question.

“Yes sir, I know your feelings about smokers from your daughter so I just wanted to let you know that I’m a smoker.” He said smoothly. It was almost like one mouthful of food had given him a whole heap of confidence.

“I respect the fact that you’ve told me that straight away Louis. I’ll tell you what, if I don’t see it, it’s not happening. But I’ll take ‘em away if I see that you’re not working.” He says as he points a forkful of eggs at him. I cock an eyebrow curiously as I grab a glass of orange juice and my plate of breakfast and sit down at the table.

“Thank you sir,” I see that Louis quickly shoves his cigarettes back in to his jeans pocket and goes back to eating his breakfast. “Thanks for breakfast Gemma!” He smiles brightly at me and puts his plate in the sink and head out of the house through the mud room following my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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Punished - Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne AUWhere stories live. Discover now