would rather die

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I'm losing my mind
Why do I keep fighting, this world
And I'm not lonely,
Just losing everything
And I fuck
Everything up
I guess you could say
I'm a disater
Dead inside
I just wanna feel alive
And I'm tired
Of fucking everything up
Tired of trying
When I know I won't be
And I'm losing my mind
Trying to fight
When I would rather die
And stop these feelings inside
And I know
I fuck everything up
Even when I fight
I still feel weak
And I'm tired of trying
Tired of lying
And I'm losing my mind
Feeling dead inside
When I just wanna feel alive.
And I would rather die
Then stay here feeling this way
I would rather feel pain
Then throw every one away
And I feel like I fuck everything up
I know I'm just a disaster
And I'm so fucking tried
Of trying
I'm so fucking tried of fighting
I would rather die then stay here
In this pain

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