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A/N There are so many adorable fanarts about sleeply Lams! This one was done by http://charlieborl.tumblr.com/

"God, I need a coffee." Alexander plopped down onto the couch next to John. John was in the common room of their dorm waiting for his laundry to be done.

"Alexander, I think what you really need is a nap," John observed his friend's dull eyes and the dark circles underneath them. Normally, Alexander's big brown eyes sparkled with excitement or amusement, but today it looked like he could barely keep them open.

"Can't, I have an essay to finish."

"That isn't due for a week." John reminded him.

"Yes, but it's the most important paper of the semester. I can't afford to get lazy now." Alexander said regarding him with those serious dark eyes. John couldn't help but laugh, and Alexander's expression changed into one of offense.

"I'm sorry, I just can't imagine you ever being lazy for even a second of your life," John said. Alex's expression softened and he gave him a small smile.

"I'm sure I've been lazy for at least a second."

"I doubt it," John said with a snort. Alexander narrowed his eyes at him.

"I'm going to get coffee."

"No, wait." John grabbed Alex's wrist as he stood up. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't tease. I'm just worried about you." John said truthfully. Alexander gave him a small smile and sat back down.

"I know, and I appreciate it, but you don't have to worry, I'm fine." Alex tucked his slightly messy hair behind his ear.

"Yeah, that's not going to stop me from worrying," John said with a smile, but he didn't argue with Alexander any further.

"And, that's what makes you a great friend." Alex beamed at him. He put one of the couch pillows on John's lap and then settled his head on it. Alexander lay with his legs bent and his laptop propped against them. John bit back a sigh as Alexander began typing furiously. He knew it was a fool's errand to try to convince Alex to sleep.

John began running his fingers through Alexander's dark hair. The strands were soft and silky. Alex almost never wore his hair down, it was usually up in a bun, but John happened to like it down. Alexander's fingers slowed on the keys, but he kept typing.

"That feels good," Alex said, sinking further into the couch. Encouraged, John kept playing with Alexander's hair. He watched in amusement as his friend fought against drooping eyes. Alexander's eyes would close and his fingers would stop typing only to start up a second later as Alex forced his eyes open. John knew the boy was fighting a losing battle, he kept playing with Alexander's hair, hoping that would encourage sleep. Sure enough, a few minutes later, Alexander's eyes drifted shut and remained closed. His fingers were still on the keyboard of his laptop, ready to type away. John gave it a few more minutes and when it became clear that Alexander was fast asleep, he pulled the laptop away and set it on the table.

John continued to play with Alexander's hair. His friend gave a contented sigh in his sleep and sank even further into the couch. They stayed like that for a long time. John knew that his laundry was probably done and that it had probably been dumped onto the floor at this point and he would have to rewash it all, but he didn't care. There was a good movie playing on the TV and the boy he had a crush on was getting some well-needed sleep.

Eventually, it grew late and John knew that he had to wake Alexander up. He didn't want to, but he had to sleep as well and he knew the RA wouldn't let them crash on the common room couch.

"Alexander," John said softly, "Alex, you have to get up so you can move to your own bed." John shook his friend slightly and was shocked when he didn't stir. "Alexander," He said slightly louder. Alex's eyes remained firmly shut. "Hamilton, I can't carry you so you are going to have to wake up," John said, shaking the boy again. "Laf said you were a heavy sleeper, but damn." John knew it was a combination of heavy sleeping and pure exhaustion that was keeping Alexander asleep. With a sigh, John took out his phone and texted Hercules and Lafayette to meet him in the common room.

His friends arrived within a few moments. Lafayette whooped with glee when he saw the scene in front of him. Even that didn't wake up their friend.

"I swear you are the Alex whisperer." Laf said, "You are the only one who can get him to fall asleep."

"Maybe I'm just that boring." John joked

"More like he feels that comfortable around you," Hercules responded.

"Like I tried to say before-"

"I tried to wake him" John hurried to cut off Lafayette before he started talking about his crush on Alex again. "But he is sound asleep. And if he is that tired I would rather let him sleep."

"I got him," Hercules said with a nod, realizing why John had called them down there. The big man reached down and scooped up Alexander like he weighed nothing. John found himself missing the pressure from where Alex had laid on his leg. Shaking off the feeling, John gathered up Alex's school stuff and followed Hercules. Alexander's head lay on Herc's chest and John experienced a sharp pain of irrational jealousy. He wished he was the one holding Alexander in his arms.

"I know I tease a lot mon ami," Laf said as they walked, "but I really do think that Alex likes you a lot."

"As a friend maybe," John whispered back, even though he knew that Alexander couldn't hear them.

"As more than a friend."

"Has he said something?" John couldn't keep the hope out of his voice. The hope was quickly crushed when Lafayette shook his head.

"He doesn't have to, I can tell. He's different around you. He's less intense, more open, happier."

"That doesn't mean he likes me Laf, I don't want to mess up our friendship."

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take," Herc called out from in front of them. "For the record, I agree with Lafayette." They arrived at Alexander and Lafayette's dorm. Laf unlocked it and Hercules settled Alex down on his bed.

"Look, I appreciate what you guys are trying to do, I just don't think Alexander likes me like that." John said, "Now I have to go rewash my laundry, excuse me." He said and quickly walked out of the room before Herc and Laf could say another word.

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