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A/N This cute comic of John putting Alex to bed was done by http://drawinggheys.tumblr.com/

John and Hercules were woken up to loud banging on their door. John looked at the clock and groaned.

"Jesus, it's 3 am."

"Who the hell is it?" Hercules shouted

"Lafayette." Was the response. Both boys sat up, immediately concerned for their friend. John got out of bed and hurried to the door. He swung it open to reveal a tired looking Lafayette.

"What's wrong?"

"He won't sleep"

"Who?" John's brain was still muddy from sleep

"Hamilton. He won't sleep. He's been frantically typing for hours and I can't get him to sleep." Lafayette threw his hands up dramatically.

"You know Alex, he doesn't sleep that much. It's not unusual for him to still be awake at 3 am is it?" John asked

"No, but I'm pretty sure he didn't sleep at all last night. He claims he did, but when I woke up he was in the same position he had been in when I went to bed."

"Oh," John heard the sounds of Hercules snoring in the room behind him, indicating that his roommate had gone back to sleep. All John could think about was joining him. "Do you want to sleep here tonight?" He asked Laf, still confused as to why his friend was there.

"Yes, and I want you to go make Alex sleep."

"What?" John yawned.

"This isn't healthy, he has to sleep, and you seem to be the only one able to make him do so."

"I don't know..."

"I do" Lafayette grabbed John's arms and pivoted so their positions were switched. "Just please make him sleep," Lafayette pleaded softly.

"I'll try." John gave in. He wasn't sure he could make Alexander sleep when Lafayette couldn't, but he had to try for the sake of both his friends.

"Oh merci," Laf said with obvious relief. With another yawn, John shut the door and headed off in the direction of Alexander's room. He knocked softly upon arriving. The door was flung open a few moments later by a very disheveled looking Alex. His hair looked like it had been up in a bun at one point, but it was now half falling out and tangled. He was pale and had dark smudges under his eyes.

"Laurens?" Alexander asked in surprise. John walked past him into the room. Alexander's desk was scattered with papers, books, and coffee cups. John turned back to Alexander and found that the young man was looking at him with a worried expression. John realized that he probably looked just as disheveled as Alex.

"Lafayette came and got me." He said by way of explanation. Alexander looked in surprise at his roommate's bed. John realized that he hadn't even noticed his roommate had left. "Oh, Alexander..." John had seen Alexander overworked and tired before, but this was a whole new level. "What is going on with you?"

"I got a B on my History paper for Washington's class. We have one more paper and a test coming up and I need to ace them both." Alex said quickly. John knew it was hard for him to admit that he had gotten a B.

"Alex, this may be hard for you to believe, but a B is fine. Most people would kill for a B in Washington's class. You don't have to worry, you'll be able to pass the class just fine."

"No," Alexander shook his head furiously, dislodging more hair from his bun. "A B isn't good enough. I need a 4.0 GPA to be able to even be considered to get into the best law schools."

"You aren't getting into any law schools if you kill yourself first." John pointed out. Alexander held himself to impossibly high standards and he knew that he would never be able to change that, but maybe he could at least convince his friend to get some sleep.

"I'm not" Alexander was looking at him defiantly.

"Yes you are, now get into bed," John said, looking back just as intensely.

"What?" Alex seemed taken aback.

"Lafayette sent me to make sure you get some sleep and that is what I am going to do."

"No, I want to finish another page..."

"Alexander, I have an 8 am class. I need you to go to sleep so I can go to sleep. Now get in the damn bed." John used his most stern voice. He figured that maybe Alex would go to sleep if he thought it was for John's sake instead of his own.

"Fine," Alexander mumbled, proving John right. He climbed into bed and lay flat on his back, glaring up at the ceiling. John turned the light off and then walked back to Alex's bed. After slight deliberation, he climbed into bed next to the boy. "What are you doing?" Alexander asked, but he scooted over to make room for John.

"I'm making sure you don't get up the second I fall asleep," John said. He lay on his side facing Alex and put his arm over his stomach. John told himself that this was just so that Alexander couldn't move without waking him up, but it was mostly just because John wanted to cuddle.

"If you wanted to cuddle, all you had to do was ask," Alexander whispered.

"What?" John wasn't sure if he had spoken his thoughts out loud or if Alex had read them.

"I like you Laurens, but you sure are thick." Alex chuckled

"What?" John said again. He knew he sounded dumb but he couldn't help it, he wanted to make sure Alexander was saying what he thought he was.

"I like you, John, I like you a lot," Alexander said softly. John wished he could see his face in the dark.

"I like you too," John said, tightening his arm around Alexander, "now sleep, Alexander." Alex made a noise of protest somewhere between a whine and a groan. "We can talk more tomorrow, but first, sleep," John said, although he really wasn't sure how much sleep he was going to be getting. He kept his voice calm, even though his thoughts were anything but.

"M'kay" Alexander murmured sleepily and settled closer to John. Within moments, his breathing had evened out and John was sure he was asleep. John marveled at his ability to drop a bombshell on a person and then fall fast asleep. John tried to sleep, but Alex's words kept echoing inside of his head.

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