Chapter 54- Night

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"Alright, this will take longer than the rain to decide! We can at least know we are staying the night in this cave." Aegis settles crisply gazing around for anyone daring to object. We are all flustered and our brains muddled from the undoubted hours spent discussing.

I nod in agreement, glancing around, everyone else seems also to fall prey to this simple plan of rest. Light has faded to create a darker grey, mists cease at the caves entrance as though it cannot pass inside. Trickles of brown waters still flow in streams into our new shelter for the night, running over the stone smoothly. Metallic clangs of drops falling from jaggs of the roof behind us ring out every now and again, harsh compared to the soft voices we've been using, slurring together lazy words and letters in our weariness of mind.

I feel cramped and utterly exhausted from the ceasless debate. My mind itself might as well be petrified by the grave stones about us. Muscels sore from sitting restless and joints stiff, I happily accept the opportunity for rest and peace.

That's when I realize my mind still aches busy as a beehive, refusing to be silenced even by its owner. The terrible fact is, I still have yet to oppose Rin with the question for wich I received no answer. How is she in the Rich Ring, or, who is she related to?

Thoughts that prehaps I am merely a coward and do not know it creep in from shadows unknown. Maybe I've hidden the matter of my own cowardice from myself, maybe I am simply avoiding it for a reason I myself have no clue of yet. Maybe I am not who I think myself to be, maybe I don't know who I really am. Maybe I've hidden my true self away so long that it's remolded my mind?

Genesis barks harshly at me, shaking me from the mind I curse so often. Thankful for the save, I embrace her and we lay connected. My arms warping around her as the mist of the current autumn forest might. The texture of her mighty body with wire hairs of silver, comforting and understanding.

I am all too aware of the stares from Genesis's reaction, but I ignore them. Hoping, perhaps vienly, that they will fade away.

Soon darkness folds away my sight, though I can be sure this is not true also for the Luzumi. Rythmic beating of the rain rocks away many minds to the blanket of sleep. Hester and Rin giggle for a few minutes more before befalling the same fate. 

Always I have slept apart from all others, unless Genesis has been or is with me. Under no circumstances have I fallen asleep next to another; the one exception being warmth, the difference between life and death or something of the sorts.

Now, however, knowing the only friend I've had for the past number of years is giggling with someone else in this cave isolates me. That fact that it is quite likely Hester will be more appreciative of Rin than she knows I am irritates me.

Rin probably has no idea the meaning and importance she has to me or how much I need her, how much I care about her.

Hester could probably give her the same affection and care to her that she gives. Something that I have troubles doing. Why it is difficult for me, I cannot say. Maybe I never will find the answer. I knwo that I am somehow internally irritated and angered by her for the amount of prying she's always done, but how can I destroy that anger and change so suddenly for what would seem like no reason to everyone else?

How can I be angry or jelous of Hester giving Rin what she deserves when I myself cannot, or will not may be a better term. If I really want the best for Rin, and truly care for her, shouldn't I allow her to be so happy and find new and undoubtedly better friends?

So lonely, isolated, and confused are my feelings. My heart hurts and I want to cry for no reason that I can clearly pick out. And now here I am angry at myself for my feelings and my stupid fucking mind.

I clear it all away and focus solidly upon the rain so peaceful and steady, attempting to slip away from myself.

At last the feeling of dry safety comforts me slightly, slightly enough for sleep to consume me as well. Genesis snuffles shamelessly before I fall away.

Softened voices awaken me, but after deciphering whom it is, imediately I wish I had never woken up. Hester and Rin are up chatting. Trying and failing to not eavesdrop makes it worse. Rin is talking about me and our friendship, they then wonder wether to wake me.

"I don't know. It'd be nice just the three of us for once, but I don't want to anger her..." Rin contemplates out of my sight.

"Just wake her up, I haven't gotten to know her much at all yet. Besides, it seems that the 'rain debate' may continue for another day." Hester huffs.

"Well, okay, I guess it can't hurt." Rin agrees and shuffling noise proceed behind and then a glowin touch shakes me.

My heart thruming and mind in panic, I put on a good act of just awakening. Genesis is startled and stares at me in confusion.

"Rin?" I gaze at her, blinkng my eyes open to see forms of our group sprawled around the cave but positioned so no muddy streams will wet them.

"Yeah, sorry, we just thought it'd be nice to talk just the three of us for once, you know?" She grins nervously and I nod subtly in return.

I shiver slightly chilled by the autumn wind thrusting it's way crisply outside, the air has cooled off more that I agree with.

Hugging my knees to try and keep warm, they sit  around in a three person circle.

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