-Chapter Two.-

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*Lilac's P.O.V*

I was disturbed by my little sisters confused groaning. She's just now waking up. She rubbed her eyes, and looked around the room. She jumped a little, when she saw Beth and Daryl. They were looking straight at her, she was probably terrified. She looked at me, with a questioning look.

"That's Beth," -I said, pointing at the blonde, happy girl. Then I dragged my finger to Daryl.- "And that's Daryl. They're good people, they're going to help us." I said to her, with a soft voice.

"Oh, okay!" She moaned, happily.

"Hm. We should all stock up with food, in our bags, just in case we're forced to leave. You never know what'll happen.." Daryl said, in witness of our protection.

"Yessir." Vi said, not very impressed since she had just woken up.

I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my purple backpack, that was right next to the couch. I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed two water bottles, and a bunch of other food. It was surprisingly, not too heavy. Vi did the same. Took some food, and water. As did Beth and Daryl. I smiled uncontrollably. I knew that Vi and I were safe now, and that's all I wanted.

Daryl and Beth sat down, and began to stuff their faces with food. I giggled a little, but I'm not sure why. I looked out the window. The sun was already going down a little. Man, I woke up late. And Man, Today went by fast.

"We should all get to bed- Early.." Beth smiled at us.

"Alright. Lemme' lock up." Daryl muttered, walking out of the kitchen.

Beth stood up, and escorted us to the room where we slept last night. Vi walked over to the one of the chairs, instead of the coffin this time. I walked over to the couch- where I slept last night. When Daryl came in, he took the coffin and rested his head. Beth, decided to walk over to the Piano. She began playing some familiar keys, and I knew exactly what it was. I couldn't help but start to chime along.

'And we'll buy,

Beer to shotgun,

We'll lay in a lawn,

and We'll be good..

Now I'm laughing at my boredom.

And my string of failed attempts..'

Then, I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to Vi, sleeping right next to me. Well, she was already awake. So were Beth, and Daryl. Look's like I was the last one to wake up, for a change. I stood up, and stretched a little. I let out a deep yawn, and smiled. I loved this. This is like the old life, everything's good. For now.

I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a can of fruit. I went in the droor, and grabbed a fork. I opened the can, and started eating the fruit. It was filling, and I was okay with that. I haven't felt this good in- forever..

Beth walked into the Kitchen.

"Good morning," She smiled.

"Mornin'." I said. "I have a question."

"What is it?" She asked.

"Are you and Daryl a 'thing?'" I asked.

"Not really. I look up to him like a brother.. Nothing more.." She said.

"I have another question.." I said.

"Okay. Speak." She said.

"Do you think that there's still hope?" I asked.

"There's always hope." She smiled.

I nodded my head, in agreement.

"You woke up really late, again." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Mhm. It seems far past noon, already."

"Woah.." I said. My sleeping's getting out of hand.

Daryl walked into the kitchen, Violet trailing him. They both sat down, Daryl- not for long. There was another pounding on the door again.

"Probably just the dog." I said. I grabbed a piece of my fruit, as Daryl grabbed one of his whatever he's eating. We both walked out of the kitchen, and cracked the door. To see the dog, but not only the dog.

There was about two dozen walkers right behind the dog.

"Oh, shit." Daryl muttered, leaning up again the door to keep it closed.

"Beth! Beth! Violet!" Daryl called out. Beth and Vi, came running out of the kitchen. Vi had her knife in her hand, and Beth had a crossbow. She tossed it to Daryl. I pulled my knife out of my pocket.

"All of you- Get outside! Through the backdoor. Now." He ordered.

Vi, Beth, and I, all ran to the backdoor, and right out of it. Closing it behind us. We walked around the house, to see a Car out front. The car was running. There was a body in the passenger's seat, but not in the drivers. A few seconds after I realized that, a guy jumped out of a tree, and grabbed Beth. He quickly handcuffed her, and dragged her to the car.

"Beth!" I called out, chasing the guy. He grabbed her bag, and dropped it right out of the car, leaving it in the middle of the road. He shut her door, and quickly ran to his. I didn't want to get to close, but I wanted to be close enough to see the guy. Well, I had no luck. I couldn't make out what he looks like, at all. Not long after the guy got in the drivers seat, did Daryl come running out.

He quickly ran to us, and looked at the car. The car slammed on the gas pedal, and started driving away.

"NO! Beth!" He screamed.

He started running after the car, as Vi and I chased after him. We ran for a long, long time.

Finally, Daryl stopped running. He decided to plop his body in the middle of the road, realizing there was no hope left. But there was.

"What happened? How'd she get taken?" Daryl asked.

"There was a man, and he handcuffed her.. Then he just threw her in the back of the car.." Vi said.

"Oh." Daryl grunted. Atleast he didn't blame us..

We sat in the middle of the road for a little while, before we got disturbed.

"What do we have here?" I heard a guys voice, and his evil laugh.

"A scrub!" I heard one of the other guys call out. I looked around me, and there was a whole circle of rednecks surrounding us. They all had their weapons pointed at us. I looked over to Vi, and she was crying. I think I was too, but I have to stay strong for Vi.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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