new member to the family ((ejs pov))

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EJ stands there just looking at silent thinking to himself

EJ: "so this is the new girl slendy was talking about, she fits the description perfectly, hazel eyes, amber hair, pale gray skin that's lighter than mine, stitched mouth with no mouth, shes kinda c-"

EJ is cut off out of his thoughts as silent starts to communicate through her hands

Silent: "you have been looking at me for a while now, I'm sorry if my appearance disturbs you"

EJ: "no no your fine I'm sorry for staring I was deep in thought"

Silent: " Oh ok... So what should we do, your my guide for now"

EJ: "ya, well most of the family should be out right now so I'll just show you around the manor and maybe we might see Sally"

Silent: "Ok you lead the way"

As they both walk around he tells her about some rules and chores around the manor.

EJ: "so I'm the doctor of the manor so if you or anyone else gets hurt you come find me"

Silent: " I'm guessing that the jobs we are assigned can be dangerous?"

EJ: "sometimes if your not careful. By the way there is this one guy in the family named Ben drowned or just ben for short, you might want to be careful around him because he can be really perverted at times"

Silent: "ok I'll be careful"

He smiles behind his mask and thinks

EJ: " Wow she's fun to talk to, maybe it's because she's new, but I feel like we talk easier than anyone else in the family"

The two of them laugh and joke around as they walk up stairs to a door.

EJ: "now this is Sally's room I just want to see if she's here so you can meet her"

Silent: " Ok"

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