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Ophelia had always been blessed with enhanced auditory perception. She didn't attest it to the fact the she was an elf, no, it was a gift, really. Sounds, she could hear them clearly. The stretch of her bowstring as she loaded and pulled an arrow back with her fingers. The release and swift humming of the arrow as it broke through the shifting winds. The piercing flesh of her intended target as the sharp end of her arrow soared through cartilage and bone. The soft thud of dead weight shifting the dried, sometimes dead grass, making for a temporary bed for her next meal.

"Hmm..." She hummed soon to lower her arm to disengage long enough to retrieve tonight's dinner. While she wasn't a fan of deer meat, she found feasting off the available parts left her plenty supplied with food for the next week or so.

As she made preparations to cut and ration off certain parts of her prize, the elf lamented on her circumstances. A homeless, saucy, assassin for hire with no real ties or affiliations to anyone. Not even the rare High Elf she runs into in various holds triggers a need for association. At first, she didn't think the loner lifestyle would suit her. But it did. She found she works better this way. More efficiently. Even still...

" can get lonely at times..."

Hours had passed. The skies shifted, casted a blanket of stars over the elf as she kindled a small fire at her makeshift campsite. Seated upon an over turned tree trunk, her gaze lingered on the flickering bright lights above her. Endless stars cast out over the woman, twinkling without a care and incurring a small trivial spell of envy within her. To be a star...would be nice.

Such wishful thoughts lingered no longer than a moment as she resigned to reality, figuring a good night's rest would put her back in her usual mood of self-reliance. That is until she picked up on the sound of something tearing through the skies. The sound of a mighty cry belonging to no man or beast of the earth. The sound of great winds shifting with pressures powerful enough to shake the heavens.

A dragon.

A sharp intake of breath zipped through lips parted in astonishment as she watched this massive creature descend upon the earth at terrible speeds. It appeared to have no control of its path and would soon crash land several meters from her camp. The impact rattled the very surface upon which she stood. Another roar sounded soon after. A pained one.

There she stood, at a cross roads of shorts. She never liked encountering dragons and almost always avoided them like the plague. They were destructive and beside harboring odd amounts of gold, she found no pleasure in defeating them nor harvesting their souls. A strange dragonborn she was, and very much so.

Still, it wasn't every day a beast as fierce as this would suddenly fall from the sky and in obvious pain, no less. Her hand twitched, imagining the bow between her fingers should she choose to investigate. Another roar, more pitiful than the last, more definitive in terms of the agony it must be experiencing, called out and stirred her dragon blood.

She moved. She walked. She ran. She ducked in and out of debris and obstacles lying in her way. And when she arrived at the clearing where the dragon had obviously torn through, she found not a scaled bloodied monster but...a fatally wounded man...

This was different. Somehow, it was different to find another human in this condition than a dragon. Adrenaline took over the moment she laid eyes on him and at once she fell to his side, grimacing at his current state. Just the mere touch of moving him to lie on his back had her palms covered in sticky, warm, blood.

"Still warm...he's alive for now, at least." Calling upon her magicka reserves, her skilled hands hovered over the more pressing ailments to heal him. Looking at the wounds, she could tell this would take up a lot her magic energy but, at the very least, he would live. Her eyes focused in on the torn skin and manner in which the cuts covered his body. They appeared more like gashes looking to be the product of claws or talons.

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