Chapter 19: Mine

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It's getting over.







"Ahhhhhhh" I fell to the ground.
"Yep, you're done" Niall said and stopped the timer.

I was doing push ups for the final round today. Niall lend me a hand and I stood up. We were in the changing rooms.

I brushed my clothes and Niall handed me the towel. "More five minutes. Burn out there Louis!" Niall motivated me. I jogged on my place and took some deep breaths.

I remembered what happened yesterday. I was the happiest person in the world. He actually came back without telling us. And about my best friend? I know him too well. He has something on his mind.

Suddenly, I felt a burst of energy. I went outside and Niall went towards the stands.
"And now, the captain of the team, Louis Tomlinson, may come for toss."

"Tails" I said.
(Because "Harry's getting head" 😏 get it?)

"Heads" the opposite team captain said.
The person between us flipped the coin.

"Tails it is" the announcer said. I took the ball and got ready.

This round was a real match. I kicked the ball and it reached the person near the goal post. It's okay, the match will be us.

Time kept going and
We kept playing. My magic was gathering around my hands and legs. That's a good sign. I stopped for water and saw the board. 3-3 .
Tied. I went back on the ground. Suddenly I felt that energy back again. The ball came closer to me and I kicked it. It went straight in to the goal. Just as I expected.


What?! I kicked and time is up. That means, we won?

The whole team ran towards me. I was shaken. I was frozen. I came back to reality. We won!

I searched for Niall and found him. He was jumping over people to come near me. He finally came closer and I hugged him.

"Great job Tommo!"

The match ended, and no one else came here. Me and Niall we're walking towards the auditorium, when...

Harry's Pov

I entered the auditorium. Alright, it's okay, just one song and you're done.

"Styles, great you came. There has been a change, you will have to sing three songs. One of the contestants hasn't arrived yet. "

I froze on the place. Three songs?
Three fucking songs?

I was like that frozen, walked towards the audience seats and saw Liam waving at me. I went near him and sat down.
"What's wrong?"
"I have to sing three songs. I only prepared one."
"You'll think of something. Come on."
We sat till the second last performance and I went back stage.

Everyone clapped and then my name was called "Now, we have Harry Styles. He is a contestant and also a judges favorite. Though he wouldn't be included in the main winner choosing list. Without further ado, Harry Styles"

I went on stage, took the mic and waited till my song started.

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you.
I think I might, give up everything just ask me to.

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