Chapter 37

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" I Really Like You"

Seishirou-sama, the most renowned butler in Shibuya, was standing outside my front door and he had business with me, but what kind?

The guy himself was an enigma. Even when his shift was over (it should be; it was almost 11 pm) and he had changed out of that stifling-looking butler uniform, his mannerisms never faltered and he was as prim and proper as ever. The impression I had was that it was just an act that they had to put on while at work. But are all butlers like this 24/7? Must be tiring.

"I understand that I am imposing on you so late in the evening," he said politely, "but there is something I need to talk to you about."

I asked cautiously, "What is it?"

"The details are of a… sensitive nature, and I'd much appreciate it if we could talk in private. If anyone sees or overhears us, it could prove to be quite troublesome."

"Well, no one comes round here, so go on."

He coughed. "I'm afraid that's not possible. I still don't feel secure. Would it trouble you if you were to let me inside your home? A few minutes of your time are all I require."

My wary personality made it hard for me to trust people whom I didn't know on a personal level. Granting Seishirou his request was out of the question. Besides, in a world where the crime rate was on the rise, one couldn't be too careful. He may be a butler on the outside, but goodness knew what his true nature was – a robber, a killer, or maybe even an underwear thief!

I held up one hand as a sign of refusal and frowned to reiterate my firmness. "Whoa, hey, just because I was once a customer at your workplace doesn't automatically make us friends. You're still a stranger to me. I'm sorry, I can't let you in. I told you, dude. If you want to talk, then talk here."

He clutched his shoulder uneasily and his nervousness made him look even more suspicious. Was he plotting something?

"I see you're adamant about this," he said. "No matter… I understand and respect your decision. However, as my own growing concerns are too great to ignore, I must ask you to hear me out somehow."

The whole time he was talking, I watched his movements closely and intently, like a snake charmer with a deadly cobra. My plan was to punch him in the solar plexus and knock him out if he attempted to lunge at me. I really hoped he didn't try to attack me though, because I was no expert at martial arts. So here's hoping he sucked at it too.

He let out a sigh and reached for his ponytail with one hand. Oh no, was he going to try and do something funny? ! Like yank out a whip from his hair and flog me into submission? ! Or peel off his entire face only to reveal it's a mask made of skin worn by a homicidal sicko? ! My muscles were tense. A bead of sweat rolled down my neck. And my defense mechanisms were good to go, limbs ready to flail about like an octopus at a moment's notice.

"You've left me no choice," he said. "But know this: for a lot of people, there is often more than meets the eye."

With a quick and deft flick of his wrist, he undid the tie that bound his ponytail together, and his locks swished free like a curtain of silk. For a second, I was so spellbound by the beauty of his hair that I didn't notice he had taken off his glasses with his free hand at the same time. The true face of Seishirou-sama greeted me.

And my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Wha… What? !"

Seishirou grinned. "I hope this convinces you now."

I was dumbfounded and stammering like an idiot, pointing with a shaking finger. "Y-You… How… What… Huh? !"

"Hee hee."

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