chapter 6

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You may think something wrong but im there dog night killer bit  oh sangwoo  love bum but he can be a bite little  killer i no he likes to hurt bum it make oh sangwoo  hard but he  love him so much but oh sangwoo killed his mom and dad he was happy when they was died you may think how i no i been oh sangwoo  pet when his was little now im  yoonbum  pet i walk with him and make sure no else put a hand on him and i run in front  of oh sangwoo  when hes about to hurt him but i may be a little sleep at sometimes but that mean i human to not like sangwoo  he can be like a monster time to time but i been with him since that day

You may think something wrong but im there dog night killer bit  oh sangwoo  love bum but he can be a bite little  killer i no he likes to hurt bum it make oh sangwoo  hard but he  love him so much but oh sangwoo killed his mom and dad he was happ...

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Thats me im a digimon  but like a dog one but i can get a little monster my self but i let bum no so he will not be scared of me tho  heehee i have to go bum need me until next time i let you know how it  go

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