Pink Strawberry Thong

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Give my my damn headband princeton!!" I yelled at him and struggled to get it back. "Nope......No dice !" He says while holding it high in the air while struggle to get it back. "You short as hell !" Ray remarks as him and prodigy walk into the room. " Haha very funny. " I comment sarcastically. "Looks like your struggling to me." Prodigy adds insult injuy .

" Why dont you get it then? " I protest in defeat  " Aye let me see that. " Prodigy motions towards princeton to throw it. " Can I have my headband please. " I smirk with puppy dog eyes. "I dont know can you? " Princeton tosses it into the air and Ray grabs it. " Sorry maybe next time." Princeton shrugs his shoulders in joy of my short downfall.  I focus my attention at Ray in hopes that I'll have my possessions soon. " Can i just have my headband?." I sigh in defeat. "See heres the thing....I would but then I wont be able to taunt you all day." He smiles and puts it in his pocket as he proceeds to leave.

"All I wanted was my headband and asked nicely so I'll give you what you want."  I run full speed and jump on his back causing both of us to hit the ground. " Somebody help me!" He yells as we proceed to tussle on the floor for my property. Everyone runs over to come help keep me from my headband. "Hey! " Walter walks into the room and we all pause in our tracks . We sit there frozen as in on rays back, Princeton is pulling my shoulders and Prodigy is trying to drag me by my foot. 

"What exactly are you doing?" He  questions the odd postion of how we are positioned. He looks up and down at the scene before him. Soon the silence broke and we all proceed to talk at once. Walter whistles and puts a stop to gumbled up mess of everyone speaking at once. "Stop  messing with that girls stuff and give it back." He hisses. Ray hands me my headband. I clear my throat and jump off his back. "You just mad cause you short!!" He teases.  "Yeah yeah." I smirk and he grins back. 

" Boys I need you to go to wardrobe and young lady need you to go to practice" He looks around the room. I sigh and head towards the door. I hear a chuckle as I head towards the door. I turn confused at the sudden laughter in a quiet room. The chuckles trunk to full blown laughter. " What now!" I sigh with frustration.  "Your pants." Prodigy smirks. "My pants?"  I mumble. Princenton pulls me to a mirror and turns me around."Look at your pants." He giggles.

I look down at my pants and my face heats up. I grab a jacket from the couch and tie it around my waist. I rush out the door and down the hallway to my dressing room on the other side. As I rush down the hall I hear the boys continue to giggle. I cant believe that happended in front of Princeton. I also cant believe the boys just saw my pink strawberry thong either. I rush into my dressing room and throw on sweat pants. "Note to self ...... never wear jeans around the boys again." I mumble as I walk down the hall to rehearsal.

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