Chapter 1

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I jumped when I heard something beating on the door.

'The monsters...' I thought, 'It must be. This castle is abandoned.' My hope of refugee here was now gone.

Swallowing a squeal, my eyes darted around, trying to find a hiding place. My breath quickened, my heart was about to explode, and my body felt like it was doing laps around the sun.

I eyed the wardrobe in the corner. I dropped the note I was reading and as quietly as I could, I made my way over to the wardrobe. I closed it, and sat inside, pressing myself against the very back of it. I could hear the door break completely, and left only the wardrobe's door stand between them and myself.

I was scared to hell.

'They would surely find me. There was no way out. This is the end, this is the end...' My brain rambled on. I felt like a fly on a spider's web. The end was coming, and all I could do was squirm. I hoped that in the little bit of optimism I had left that I would be the fly that got away.

The sound of the monsters' growls drowned out the thoughts racing through my head.

I couldn't help the tears falling. 'I can't even die with dignity,' I thought to myself.

I gritted my teeth, and tried to keep myself from breaking down and crying. The horrid stories I had heard haunted me again. The things they did to them scared me to death. I couldn't stand the thought of myself being tortured like they were.

That's the last thought I remembered before fainting from freight.

I dreamt of being home again. Before my parents were killed, before being sent to the orphanage, before my life changed forever.

I was in William's arms again. We were in the barn behind my house, laying in a pile of hay. We were dressed in our best, having come from my older sister Holly's birthday. I was in the dress my mother had bought for the very occasion, and William was in his finest of suits. I felt scandalous for lying down in a barn when my mother had bluntly said that even a speck of dirt got on the dress, it meant my life. I giggled at my rebel-self.

William grinned at me, and laughed with me. He pulled me in closer. I rested my head on his shoulder. He kisses me on my head, and rested his head on it. His warmth comforted me like nothing else. I nuzzled myself into his neck, and rested my eyes.

I awoke in the wardrobe's darkness. I wiped away the still wet tears from under my eyes. I felt hollow inside, my thoughts were jumbled into a mess. I hesitated, but opened the door to see if the monsters were still there. All I could see was everything blanketed in darkness. The spider hadn't caught me just yet.

Hello everyone! This is the first story I am completely invested in that I've posted on here (the other one I deleted). Anyway, I hope you enjoy. I am really excited about writing this story. I think it will end up being long, but that's because I'm so excited about it (: Also, I must add that some inspiration for this came from an awesome computer game called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I believe it's made by Frictional Games, and I highly suggest checking it out. It's a really cool horror game that's, well, horrific. I absolutely love the game. Again, please go check it out, as well as their other games. (Sorry if I sound like i'm advertising). Again, I hope you enjoy this chapter. (:

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