Chapter 4

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The ladder climbed down for what seemed like forever. Eventually I couldn't even see anything, even with my hand held in front of my face. The darkness enveloped me in its sinister cloak. I felt blind and helpless.

When I was sure that I would never reach it, I finally reached the bottom. I had to feel the wall to make find my way through the halls.

"A little further," A voice said in a calm, soothing tone. It was all too familiar. It reminded me of spring mornings.

"William? Is that you?" I called out into the darkness, briefly pausing in my steps.

"Yes, Mirabelle. It's me. Just keep walking, you're almost there."

I closed my eyes and continued feeling my way through. My steps were hurried and shaky. My breath was often held, but otherwise out of control. When reaching out for the walls, my hands shook without stopping. I wanted to see William with all my heart. I would brave through this darkness and see him again, no matter what it took.

I felt a door upon my fingertips. I searched for its knob and twisted it. The room was filled with light. I felt myself lifted from this dark, dank place and to a safe, somewhere I could be with William. That's all that I wanted.

There he was, sleeping on a bed in the center of the room. I ran to him, and shook him senseless.

He didn't wake up. I shook him again. Still, nothing.

"William?" I croaked.

Before I could even begin to tear up, someone grabbed me from behind, putting cloth over my mouth to keep me from talking. I wasn't even able to let out a scream in pain and sorrow. The love of my life was dead, and there was nothing that I could do to change it.

Another short chapter, I know. However, tomorrow I have off so I will have a longer weekend, which will give me more time to write. Hope you enjoy anyway, despite it's shortness. (:

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