• Chapter One •

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>you've got a fire inside,
but your heart's so cold<
|Haunting, Halsey|


I kept running and running through the woods, trying to get away from those devilish red eyes behind me. I shouldn't have come in the first place, I'm too weak for all of this. I hate it when everybody can fight for their lives, and most times win, while I, on the other hand, have to do what I do best. Run.

I stopped for a second, thinking I had lost him for at least a mile or something. I was desperately trying to catch my breath, regaining my powers as much as possible, so I could run some more. Then, Derek could find me and save my ass, again. It's annoying how I can't protect him, hell I can't even protect myself. 

"You must be the human." I heard a voice from behind me, causing me to jump off the ground. I turned around to face the voice, a tall teenager appearing in front of me.

"Hi?" I said, in a more questionable tone. I'm pretty sure I've shitted my pants right now.

"Hello to you too." he said with a smirk, glowing his red eyes at me. He's definitely not the Alpha who attacked Derek, but another one who's in the pack.

"You know, I really don't get why your little friend back there doesn't want us here. We could always join our forces and become a big, incredible pack." he pouted, kind of disappointed that Derek ordered them to go away. He really doesn't want any other pack between our legs.

"Yeah, um... Derek can become pretty possessive about this kind of issues."  I respond, trying not to sound like a scared little girl. Goal failed.

"I suppose that a gift would do it better?"

"What kind of gift?" I frowned confused. He chuckles lightly and comes closer.

"A very special gift." his breathing hits the crook of my neck and I shiver. He leans in closer, and before I could even realize, his fangs are shoved into my skin, and my painful screams have filled in the silence of the night.

I wake up trembling, somebody's strong hands shaking my shoulders intensely. Derek.

"Stiles!" he yells, obviously scared since I was probably screaming in my sleep again. 

"I-I'm fine. I'm okay." I say shaking my head, trying to get the memories off my head.

"Stiles, this isn't fine, it's the fifth time this week." Derek answers in a very-serious tone.

"It's okay, they won't last forever, right?" I question, mostly to myself, so I can convince me that I'm going to be fine. Everything's fine. He sighs, I can smell the sadness and disappointment on him.

"Yeah, I suppose." he smiles lightly, enough to reassure me, but I'm still not convinced at any bit.

"I'll be down in a minute for our training, okay?" I ask grinning lazily and he nods. He leaves me alone in the room and I take a deep breath before sighing deeply.

Fifth time this week. These stupid nightmares just can't seem to leave me alone. I was bitten two weeks ago, what is this supposed to be, some freaking reminder? I hate me for turning, I hate me for being a werewolf, isn't it enough?

white lies, sterek au [TEEN WOLF, DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now