• Chapter Eight •

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>i'm permanent, you can't erase me
I'll have you remember me,
one more kiss is all it takes<
|Aftertaste, Shawn Mendes|


My eyes shot wide open as I tried to find my breath after another nightmare. My legs felt shaky even though I was lying down, and my forehead was cold and sweaty. My eyes searched the room quickly for Derek, panicking again after not finding him. I wanted to scream, yell his name repeatedly, but it was as if my voice was gone and I couldn't even open my mouth. I tried to breathe, I really did, but as I inhaled again and again, I found myself unable to pass the air through my lungs. My heart was throbbing, exploding repeatedly every milisecond that passed.

I saw the door spreading open, a panicked and concerned Derek entering through it. He ran beside me and held my torso in his hands, running his palms up and down my back. This made the whole situation even worse, since now it wasn't only the panic attack that made me unable to breathe; but also Derek's touch.

"Stiles, please calm down, I'm here, it's fine!" he yelled in my face. I could feel the panic in his head, trying to find something to calm me down.

I could hear me coughing; desperately trying to find air but the oxygen was just never enough. I wasn't sure how I was still living without breath, but for some reason I did, and I was thankful for that. All of a sudden, literally out of nowhere, Derek had slammed his lips on mine, passing me as much oxygen as possible. I felt my heart steading its beat, my breathing going back to normal. Derek's mouth was breathing inside of mine, a taste of mint entering my throat. Just as I was getting used to the sensation, he pulled away, looking at me with hope.

"I-is it g-gone?" he choked out, a single tear escaping from his eyes. His heart is beating even faster than mine.

"I-I think so." I whispered, not able to put more volume in my voice. He released a deep breath, lowering his eyes. I couldn't hold it back. I wanted more, needed more. I lifted his chin with my index finger and looked at him, before slowly leaning towards his lips again.

"Stiles." he sighed and tried to turn away, but I couldn't let him, not anymore.

"Shut up, Derek. For once in your life." I said and smiled ghostly, brushing my lips above his. His heart was beating like a rabbit's, his pupils were pitch black, and I believe so were mine.

I closed the distance between us, linking our mouths together as if they were shaped for each other. His lips were much plumper than mine, but that didn't stop me from almost swallowing him whole. I just couldn't get enough.

Too fast and unexpectedly for me to realize, Derek had pulled away, wiping his mouth furiously, tears rolling down his cheeks. His mouth was slightly open, frustration didn't suit him. He tried to speak, but even I could see that his throat wasn't capable of shaping words, not even letters. So he did what Derek does best; he left.

Grabbing his leather jacket from the bed he sprinted downstairs and ran away. My heart almost broke in two when I heard the loud noise of the door closing. I could smell his sadness and confusion from over here. Yet, I did nothing about it. I just stood there, tears swelling my eyes, my cheeks so red and hot I thought they were going to catch on fire. My whole body was shaking, my legs were like unstable jelly. He was gone.

white lies, sterek au [TEEN WOLF, DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now