⌜ɴ ɪ ɴ ᴇ⌝

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His eyes wandered up to me. They were all puffy and red.
"What's... what's going on"
My hands started to shake, my heart pumped fast.  He has It doesn't he....

"Yoona.. I... I have cancer"
I fell to my knees sobbing, I crawled over to j-hope and held him as tight as I could. I never wanted to let him go. Why couldn't it be me... why him... j-hope.. why.. he was so cheerful, what happened to my hope.

"It's ok.. you can fight it I know you can. I'll be with you through all of it"
J-hope lifted his head from my chest and stared at me.
" I love you j-hope"
His soft lips connected with mine.. slowly he moved his head slightly to the side.. his hand wandered up my neck to my cheek, he pulled me closer.

My breathing was heavy as I pulled away... and I had gotten a great idea

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