Chapter 8

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Your heart skipped a beat. You dropped the rag and cleaner in your hands and darted into the bedroom. You threw some clothes in a bag with a charger and ran to the curb. You hailed a cab and begged the driver to get to the airport as fast as he could. You had no idea what you were going to find at the airport, but something inside you told you everything was going to be okay. You arrived at the airport and went to the nearest information desk. You weren't sure what to say so you just told them your name and that something might be for you. The desk clerk searched through her system and called over another clerk. You were then taken through the airport to a door. You walked through and found yourself outside. You were led to a private plane and instructed to board. You asked where you were going, but they said they were told to give no information. You boarded and sat down, smiling for the first time in days. Before you sat a long stemmed rose and a note. "See you soon love, H." Harry was boarding his own plane and felt at peace. He hoped you could forgive him for his distance. His hour long flight felt like it took ages. When he landed, he was met by an old friend that took him to the villa he had rented. He took his time getting things ready for you. Usually, he would have his staff prepare, but he needed to do this himself. The roses and peonies he had ordered were there waiting for him. He immediately began organizing them in bunches all around the room. The petals were placed in a careful delicate trail throughout the house into the bedroom. He scattered them over the bed and his eyes glimmered. He missed your touch, missed your body. It had taken a while for the doctors to release the two of you for sexual activity, but it had still been a week and a half since they gave the okay. He had barely been able to look at you, and now he couldn't wait to treat you the way you truly deserved. He heard the doorbell ring and he almost giggled with joy. He went to the door and marvelled at the racks of clothes that were brought in. He had called Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, and Burberry gave them your sizes and had them each send over a rack for you. Watching the clothes enter the living room overjoyed him. He tipped the delivery men and rifled through the clothes to pick you out something. He was going to let you pick what you wanted to keep, but he wanted something special for you. As soon as his eyes fell on it, he knew it was the one. The Yves Saint Laurent dress was black and racy. It wasn't something you would typically wear. It was silky with lace detailing and to be honest, it kind of gave him flashbacks to the lingerie Rachel had to go to dinner in once. He smirked at the reference and set it aside before putting the rest in the closet. He placed the dress on the bed and glowed at the thought of you wearing it. He went back to work. He looked at the time and saw he was running low on time. He lit candles strategically around the villa and sat down to pen his note. His driver texted and told him you were on the way, so Harry went to the bathroom and set up a hot jacuzzi for you. He filled it with smelling salts and your favorite bubble bath and sighed happily. He knew you'd forgive him. You had reminded him everyday of how much you loved him. How much you wanted him to come back to you. You were patient and kind and loved him more than he felt he deserved. He didn't want you to see him until you were ready, so he snuck out to the back house. You had been completely in the dark about your destination and honestly wouldn't have even known, had you not seen the Eiffel Tower in the skyline. Your eyes filled with wonder. You'd never been out of the country and now your love had brought you to Paris on a private plane. You took in the scenery as you rode along and your mind wandered to what Harry had in store for you. What happened to turn him around? You pulled into the most beautiful villa you'd ever seen and were escorted to the door. You walked in and your knees felt weak as you took in the house. Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of roses and peonies in bouquets were scattered around and placed so carefully. You eyes filled with tears as you followed the trail of petals into the bedroom. On the bed you found the most exquisite dress. You picked it up and stared in awe. You saw the designer label and your mouth dropped. You were more than most likely currently holding something that cost more than a month's worth of pay. You stared a bit longer and your eyes widened and you giggled. It reminded you so much of Rachel's lingerie incident and you wondered if Harry thought of it too. You laid the dress down carefully and picked up the note. "Love, I am deeply sorry for the way things have been. Please allow tonight to be the beginning of the lifetime I intend to spend making it up to you. There is a bath waiting for you and then supplies for you to do hair and makeup however you choose. Take your time. I love you more than you know, H." And at the bottom of the note, "I was about to give it up. Desperate for some kind of love. Needing something good. Needing someone kind. You stepped out from the night and showed me it all." Your eyes misted and you held the note to your chest. Your Harry was back. You went to the bathroom after collecting yourself and bathed. You washed off the airplane ride and got ready. You wanted to hurry, but also wanted Harry to see you at your best. You put your hair in loose waves and applied some soft makeup. You slipped into the dress and checked yourself once more before stepping back into the bedroom. There you found Harry sitting on the bed in a sharp, black suit. Your heart dropped at his bright eyes and breathtaking smile. "Hi love."

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