Chapter 9

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You'd been lying on your back, staring up at the ceiling while you listened. You'd felt Harry's eyes boring into your side as you listened. Harry searched your face during each line, begging himself not to skip it ahead to the end. He hadn't intended to propose at the end. He hadn't told the producers to hold onto the track, but they watched him and knew he had more to say. You painstakingly slowly rolled your head to look at him. Your eyes were wide and the pit of fear grew in his stomach. What if he had just ruined everything? He had barely spoken to you in a little over a month and now a proposal? What was he thinking and now? You had just reconnected. You were naked and vulnerable, probably still a little heady from sex, and he had just stared you down while listening to the song he had written in honor of you. The silence was deafening and seemingly never ending. He held back the tears that he wanted to release and started to say "I'm sorry. That was stup-", but you cut him off as a massive smile spread across your face "YES!!! Yes Harry, I'll marry you." Your response took him by surprise and he sat up in bed, peering down at you wide-eyed and running his hands through the locks you adored so much. His naked torso and tousled hair falling around his shoulders endeared you as the shock registered on his face. You propped up on your knees and giggled. "I think you forgot something." The shock turned to horror as he realized he didn't pick up your ring. "Oh no, I'm sorry. I promise I have one picked out. I just forgot to go get it. You will have a ring." You smiled softly and rested your hand on his jaw and brushed your thumb over his cheek. "Not what I meant, but thank you. I meant how about a kiss for your fiancee?" A wave of relief washed over him and he grinned widely. "You still need kisses after tonight?" You pulled his face towards yours. "I need every kiss you have to give. I want your lips connected to mine every minute of every day for the rest of our lives." His face was so close to yours you could feel his heat and his lips hovered just over yours as he whispered. "Better get started then." He connected your mouths and drew you into his body. It felt as if the two of your morphed into one when you touched and you melted under his tender embrace. Your mind was a flurry of ideas as you realized what just happened. Nothing with Harry was ever average. You'd always imagined being proposed to in the usual down on one knee, ring in hand, dreamy speech, sparkling smile type of way. This was so much better. Laying next to the man you loved as he poured his heart out in song, his eyes lovingly adoring you, waiting for your response. Your naked bodies intertwined, still fluttering from the afterglow of perfect sex. You didn't need a ring, didn't need a flashy speech. You had Harry, his love, and his touch and that's all you could ever need. His lips explored yours in a new way. He broke away after a few moments. "I love you Y/N. I can't wait for you to be my wife." Your face pulled into a smile so large it almost hurt. "I never thought I'd hear those words coming out of your mouth. I cannot wait for you to be my husband." He smiled and pecked you gently, laying back down, tugging you down with him. You revelled in his warm embrace and mumbled against his skin. "Perfect ending to a perfect reunion." He chuckled and kissed the top of your head. The both of you lulled into a deep sleep, exhausted from the emotional and physical toll, mixed with a time difference, of the day. You awoke late the next morning and rubbed your eyes confused. You looked around the room and began to panic a little when you couldn't find Harry. Your eyes fell on a note on his pillow and your heart rate quickened. When you opened it, you relaxed again. "Love, went out to fetch breakfast. Didn't want to wake you. Be back soon. I love you, H." You smiled and squealed to yourself, snuggling under the covers. You had never been happier and were unashamedly giddy that of all the women in the world, you were the one blessed enough to be chosen by the most wonderful man in the world. You laid quietly for a few minutes before stretching and getting up and going into the closet. You searched through the drawers and were pleased to find that Harry had had it stocked with undergarments of your size and some less extravagant clothes than the racks he'd ordered. You settled on just a pair of underwear and one of his silky button ups. You wondered how on earth he had time to plan all of this, but knew he could get anything done if he set his mind on it. You buttoned only the middle button and breathed in his scent. You smiled to yourself and decided to take a look around. Your eyes were entranced as you took in the breathtaking art, sculptures, and furniture surrounding you. It was exquisitely decorated with just the right amount of modernity and class. You couldn't help but grin as you saw the dark burgundy couch in the center of the sitting room. You giggled at the memory of your past experience with a similar couch and spun laying down onto it at the realization that you were going to get to make so many more memories with him as his wife. You rubbed the soft fabric and sighed happily. Harry knew you better than anyone else ever had or ever will. You strode into the kitchen and smelled the beautiful bouquet sitting on the island. You poured yourself a glass of juice and leaned against the counter. You heard the door click and walked into the hallway to greet hopefully Harry. Harry was struggling to open the door with the multiple packages, but more so out of excitement to see your reaction to what was inside of them. He had woken early and had admittedly stared at you probably a little too long before getting up and going to do some errands and get breakfast. He couldn't help but admire your graceful beauty. Even in your sleep, he was enthralled by you. He finally got the door opened and almost dropped every one of his packages at the sight of you leaning against the hallway wall. Your hair was long and your face glowing as you stood in one of his favorite new shirts. It was a sheer green with flowers patterned on it and it left little to his imagination. Your subtle allure wasn't so subtle this morning and he was overwhelmed by you. He stepped in the hallways and kicked the door shut. "Good morning love." You grinned and walked over to him, his hands restrained by packages, and kissed him firmly. "Good morning Harry." You spun and sauntered into the kitchen, pausing at the doorway and looking over your shoulder, "coming?" Harry had been mesmerized by the sway of your hips and how you had pulled his shirt up just enough that he could see the curve of your cheeks beneath it. He shook his head and smirked, "I will be before the day is over." You laughed and walked into the kitchen, followed by his heavy footsteps. He spread out the packages on the island and pulled you into his arms and kissing you. "Much better." You giggled and hugged him tightly. He opened up a large box and your mouth watered immediately. You looked down at the box producing the most enticing smell and your eyes widened. Inside the box sat the most delectable looking collection of croissants, kouign amann, mille-feuille, Paris brest, and brioche you'd ever seen. "I didn't know what you were in the mood for so I just ordered a variety." Your mouth was watering and you dipped in and grabbed a Paris brest and bit into it. You groaned a sound of approval and beamed up at him. "This is amazing." He laughed and stole a bite against your glare. "Hmmmm you're right." His deep laugh brought joy from the tips of your toes to the top of your head and you pointed to the array of packages. "What's all this?" He smiled and shrugged. "I got excited, but one package you need to open now." You set down your pastry and smiled. "Okay bring it on." He reached for the smallest of packages and you realized this was the ring he spoke of last night. Your hands shook as you took it from his hand and slowly unwrapped the meticulously packaged box and held the ring box in your hand. The Harry Winston stamp on the top of it sent chills down your spine and you gasped when you opened it. Inside sat the most beautiful diamond you'd ever seen. The ring itself was simply stunning. A perfect blend of you and him. Your simple ways and his love for flash. A cushion cut diamond surrounded by diamonds on a diamond band. Your heart skipped a beat and your mouth dropped open as you stared at it. Harry smiled softly and took the box from you and removed the ring. He held it between his slender fingers and tipped your chin up to look at him. "So, officially, Y/F/N Will you do me the greatest honor I've ever known and become my wife?" You smiled a broad toothy smile and nodded. "Of course I will Harry Edward Styles. I'd love nothing more than to be able to love and adore you for the rest of my days." He grinned widely and kissed you softly before taking your left hand and slowly slipping the ring onto your finger. Your breath was taken away as it slid on, a perfect fit. You were sure you were currently wearing more on your one finger than you'd ever owned at one point in your life and you stared up at him with grateful eyes. He beamed down at you. "Do you like it?" "I love it, it's perfect." He leaned down and kissed you and your mind sparked as his velvet lips met yours. You pulled away and grinned, a sparkle in your eye. "I like the couch. Nice touch." He laughed aloud and swatted you. "It was almost a purely tender moment." You laughed and sat on his thigh as he perched himself on a stool and focused his attention on the decadent pastries before you. His pastry free hand rested gently on your bare hip and yours sat on his thigh. You kissed his cheek and whispered "I love you Harry Styles."

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