October 12th

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WARNING: COULD BE INTENSE VIOLENCE/GORE AHEAD! If you are okay with this then please continue, if you're not then I apologize. 

               Recently I've been observing her daily  routine. She is an extremely organized person she often does the exact same things everyday period in the mornings, she wakes up around 6 to get ready for school, leaves for classes at 7, continues all classes until noon. New seems to be her break for lunch and another class begins at 1:15. Finally, around 4:45 is when her last class dismisses and she goes straight home. The only exceptions to her routine would be on Wednesdays when she goes grocery shopping for anything needs during this week.

                Saturday's are the days she happens to have off, most which are spent sleeping in like other college students, I've spent over a week following her making sure there were no flaws in my theory. I've even mastered recognizing the same 1966 Mustang car she happens to drive. Making sure anywhere I went I know exactly where that black golden rimmed the car was. I've made a big turn in my original plan, I had never planned to show her myself, yet I find myself attracted more and more each day. I had plans to stay lurking within the shadows, silently watching, waiting for her to realize me.

               My cravings for her perfection, for her touch, for her attention became too strong for me to ignore. It has began to grow more and more everyday, hour, minute, second. The longer I stay within the shadows the longer I risk doing irrational decisions. I must take action soon, I will make her notice me no matter how far I have to go, I must save my sanity.

I am editing this all soon!


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